Biden’s freebie $20mil vacation retreat plagued with leaks, mold, mildew, termites, fungi, drafts, stains and cracks – IOTW Report

Biden’s freebie $20mil vacation retreat plagued with leaks, mold, mildew, termites, fungi, drafts, stains and cracks

DailyMailUK: Joe Biden’s $20million freebie vacation retreat has been plagued with leaks, mold, mildew, termites, fungi, drafts, stains and cracks according to court filings.

Major Democrat donor and political VIP Maria Allwin has been hosting the first family free of charge in her 9-bed Kiawah Island, South Carolina mansion since 2009. They are currently vacationing there.

The beachfront home may seem like a palatial, unblemished jewel on the tiny golfing island. But in a lawsuit against her builders, Allwin revealed the property has been plagued with pests and defects – including during the Bidens’ stays.

A South Carolina appeal court ruling from 2019 details the myriad defects in the house that led Allwin, 66, to sue the builders.

The 10,500sq ft magnificent beachside property was finished in 1994 by general contractor Russ Cooper Associates (RCA).

The appeal court’s ruling described how Allwin was first alerted to problems with the home by a guest staying there in 1999, who spotted over a dozen leaks and peeling wallpaper.

Over the next few years the home was subject to ‘mold and mildew, caulking cracks at windows, drywall and wallpaper damage, trim cracks at windows, ceiling damage and stains, condensation in the basement, and warped hardwood flooring.’

In 2006, when Allwin tried to list the home for sale, a report by Complete Inspection Services noted ‘roof leaks, prior termite activity, damaged wood cladding, water infiltration at rear doors, water stains at rear basement walls, damaged hardwood flooring, water stains, mildew, and damaged drywall.’ more here

26 Comments on Biden’s freebie $20mil vacation retreat plagued with leaks, mold, mildew, termites, fungi, drafts, stains and cracks

  1. “…plagued with leaks, mold, mildew, termites, fungi, drafts, stains and cracks according to court filings.”

    Wherever Biden goes, he brings all that with him.

  2. “Prior” termite activity is not something to sue a builder over some 20+ years later. No termite job or warranty lasts that long.

    Current termite activity that you find after the sale is something you would sue the inspector for if it was not listed in the inspection.

    Termites happen.

    That said, it sounds like Russ Cooper Associates is a crap builder.

  3. The Bidens get hosted by a slumlord, fitting. They are trashy people.
    Dr. Jill accidentally slipped Joe’s diaper on as a dress. Hunter whole existence.

  4. Homeowner is a major democrat donor, and tried to sell the home with a plethora of defects to some unsuspecting buyer. Sounds like a typical democrat POS. They will figure out some way to get us taxpayers to foot the bill to fix this dump.

  5. Well. Old Joey will never notice bc his windows are electronic just like the fake WH set were he sits and signs his executive orders. Time for your tapioca pudding Joey.

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  7. It really does defy logic on how a liberal democrat thinks. Their heroes live & vacation in multi-million dollar estates while constantly bitching about the rich. Yet, they always vote to return these thieves to D.C. to rob them even more, everyday. Believing the old saw, “we are working so hard for you(peasants) so send us more of your money that we can line our pockets with & we promise we will punish those awful, greedy rich people after we are re-elected”. The cycle then repeats as it has done for at least the last 100 years. The Obama’s have 3 multi-million dollar estates in Hawaii, Massachusetts & D.C. They, like the Biden crime syndicate have done nothing to earn these fortunes, except to grift, graft & steal it. Put a hammer in Obama’s hand & he might know(maybe) what it is, but, like Joe, would not have a clue of how to use it. So spare us about how the Biden’s are staying in a sub-par built mansion(for free). They deserve no sympathy nor respect.

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