Biden’s Fuzzy Math is the Stuff of NOKO Propaganda – IOTW Report

Biden’s Fuzzy Math is the Stuff of NOKO Propaganda

It is getting beyond infuriating. The handlers are programming their demented robot, telling him he enjoys the largest job growth in the history of this country, and sending him out to embarrass himself in front of people who know better.

The moron is beaming. He thinks he is an effective policy maker, some brilliant mind.

Of course, everyone with a room temperature IQ can figure out that the “growth” is simply all the jobs paused by Covid are coming back as restrictions are lifted. Yet, they are still trying to foist this pantload on the people.

This is very much reminiscent of something that would happen in North Korea.

Fat boy could shut down all jobs completely, pause them for a month, then resume and declare he has captained the largest growth in an economy in the history of the entire planet.

And he also had 7 holes-in-one in a single round of golf, en route to shooting an unprecedented score of 28 for 18 holes.

For this alone, I want Biden eliminated. I don’t care who takes his place. This guy is an undeserving idiot. He’s been on top of the “dumbest man in DC” list an unprecedented 28 times.


7 Comments on Biden’s Fuzzy Math is the Stuff of NOKO Propaganda

  1. Job growth????
    There are millions of unfilled jobs because the slugs are getting paid not to work. They are gaming the system that Democrats created.
    The jobs are being filled by the only people willing to work.
    Democrats are lying POS Communists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I just got Trump’s book today, it’s great.
    I offer these 2 photo as hope, all is not lost.

    Inauguration ceremony Donald J. Trump, people as far as you can see.

    Biden inauguration, nobody.

  3. ** I don’t care who takes his place.

    Kamala? AOC? Marxine????

    Careful what you wish for. You know dimtards are chompin at the bit to get a “diverse” “person of color” “person with a vagina” in to the highest office, at all cost. Hell they might just be setting up Bidumb to knock over for Kumala, might even do it for black history month.


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