Biden’s Incessant Need To Seem Important Gets His Foot in His Mouth Again – IOTW Report

Biden’s Incessant Need To Seem Important Gets His Foot in His Mouth Again

The guy is from Guyana, not Ghana.

What’s the difference? They’re all brown… and the ESSENCE of what Biden was saying is what’s important. So Joe asks, “what did I get wrong?”

ht/ hot salsa

10 Comments on Biden’s Incessant Need To Seem Important Gets His Foot in His Mouth Again

  1. Miss Teen South Carolina was right! “I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, um, some people out there in our nation don’t have maps.”

    Somebody buy Joe a world map so he can see that Guyana is in South America, not Africa.

  2. Yet, He tells the Iowans that They

    “Probably don’t know where Delaware is”

    The only reason They’re letting Joe run…

    Is to keep Him away from Playgrounds and Pre-Schools.

  3. Not knowing Geography is one thing, but this…

    The record player moment arrived as Biden talked about bringing social workers in to help parents “deal with how to raise their children.”

    Any of you out there going to let the little kiddies play with your vinyl collection? For that matter, how many have a turntable to play them on?

    Please, please, please let this man be their candidate.


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