Biden’s Interior Secretary Thinks There Are Too Many American Jobs – IOTW Report

Biden’s Interior Secretary Thinks There Are Too Many American Jobs

The Federalist

The Biden administration thinks Americans have too many jobs available.

Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley pressed Interior Secretary Deb Haaland on a leaked memo from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Tuesday that shows the Biden administration prioritizing climate change over energy security. More

13 Comments on Biden’s Interior Secretary Thinks There Are Too Many American Jobs

  1. In my fantasy dream world, that magical world where I decide what happens next year, not only does Trump win the election but on day one he fires every single Biden appointee, like this dope, and replaces them with white men. And I really don’t care if they are qualified, the pendulum needs to swing in the other direction just as far to even come close to parity.

  2. So to remedy that, they’ll just inject more mRNA in our food supply, destroy more processing plants, wreck more trains carrying hazardous materials and force more farmers to give up their livelihood. I’m sure there is a lot more in their playbook.

  3. Keep telling yourself that.
    We’re counting on it.
    Fantasy dream world oh yeah your livin in it. Andrew McCarthy of the National Review knows all about these fantasies, knock yourself out.

  4. “I’m saying we don’t have enough people,” Haaland said, adding the agency is struggling to hire enough bureaucrats to fill department openings.”…

    Yeah, because bureaucrats produce so much for the economy….

  5. As many retail businesses are going bankrupt, other retailers are cutting their workforce, Food processors are cutting positions (At least those not destroyed by fire), Major manufacturing industries are implementing layoffs, Technology firms are facing large reductions in staff. Disney, Tyson, Ford, Amazon, Whole foods, McDonalds, Walmart, Boeing, Dell, IBM, Google, Microsoft and Goldman Sachs to name a few of the big employers are cutting thousands of jobs. I can’t even imagine all the small retailers and businesses looking to layoff positions to cut their losses or go bankrupt. 89,703 layoffs were announced in March.
    More in April, May isn’t encouraging.

    Yet, Build Back Better isn’t making anything better and the Inflation Reduction Act aims to curb inflation by reducing the deficit (as they increase the debt ceiling). Petroleum production in the US has already lost 10s of thousand of Jobs since Biden was elected. All are touted as such a HUGE Success, from the Black Lesbian spokesperson and the Biden Agency Secretaries and Directors all keep telling us.

    But they all insist there are jobs out there. There may be, but with inflation and rising costs you can’t afford housing, healthcare, food or fuel, if you can find a job.
    This is what the Marxist/Socialist Policies of the Biden/Obama Administration calls FUNDEMENTAL TRANSFORMATION.

  6. Not too many yobs. Problem is that because of overwhelming, MSM supporting, special interests, and gummit interference with competitive-free-market-capitalism there are too many hard-working people being paid under the table. Yes. Some of them are illegal.


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