Biden’s Jokes Are Weird and Tone Deaf – IOTW Report

Biden’s Jokes Are Weird and Tone Deaf

Please keep him!!!!

38% approval rating is too high. Make me depressed to think 4 in 10 people approve of this asshole.

9 Comments on Biden’s Jokes Are Weird and Tone Deaf

  1. Did Biden just let slip that he’s there to work out the terms of his escape from justice after he implodes the USA? Turdeaux hurries him inside before he can say anything else stupid. Lol

  2. “Make me depressed to think 4 in 10 people approve of this asshole.”

    That’s a lie. Just like any other approval rating for this traitor.

    The CIA is very effective with their effluent propaganda.
    Certain un-elected people in power need to be taken out. Just like trash should be.

  3. Even the Demos want to be rid of him. If his approval is in positive territory, it’s almost certainly in single digits.

    Kinda kike that 81,000,000 votes.


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