Biden’s Lawyers in Negotiations with Special Prosecutor – IOTW Report

Biden’s Lawyers in Negotiations with Special Prosecutor

nbc news

Attorneys for President Joe Biden and the special counsel appointed to investigate his handling of classified documents have been negotiating for about a month over the terms under which he would be interviewed, two people familiar with the matter said.

Discussions between Biden’s lawyers and special counsel Robert Hur’s office are focused on how, when and where the interview might take place, as well as the scope of the questions, these people said. They stressed that the negotiations are ongoing and that no agreement has been reached. More

6 Comments on Biden’s Lawyers in Negotiations with Special Prosecutor

  1. Must be nice to be above the law.

    “OK! OK! No pliers and torches … we’ll just put him in a 2 x 2 x 3 foot box until he wants to talk.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. He will be given a pass due to old age and dementia.

    Once that happens we will be told to feel sorry for him and they will go after Hunter for taking advantage of such a dedicated civil servant.


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