Biden’s Lesion Confirmed as Highly Treatable Form of Skin Cancer – IOTW Report

Biden’s Lesion Confirmed as Highly Treatable Form of Skin Cancer


The lesion that President Joe Biden had removed from his chest last month during his physical was a common type of skin cancer, his physician said Friday.

Dr. Kevin O’Connor said that the lesion was basal cell carcinoma, a common skin cancer that does not tend to spread. All of the cancerous tissue was removed and no further treatment is required, O’Connor said.

Biden remains fit and fully able to execute all the duties of the presidency, O’Connor said last month after the President’s physical.

“President Biden remains a healthy, vigorous, 80-year-old male,” the doctor said in a report after the physical. Additional

Doesn’t change the fact that the guy is a cancer. – Dr. Tar

18 Comments on Biden’s Lesion Confirmed as Highly Treatable Form of Skin Cancer

  1. “Biden remains fit and fully able to execute all the duties of the presidency, ”

    …the office is not and never was his to execute, and hewas never fit or at all able to execute any duty, especially considering the Pedo has never had a sense of duty or honor or dignity in the first place.

    This is just a quack medical shill’s equivalent of the sAfE aNd EfFeCTiVe lie, only with a diseased pedophile instead of a fake vaxxxine.

    The only difference is that the diseased pedophile will get more people killed than the vaxxine will, especially since the vaxxxine itself is only ONE of the tools the Pedophile murders people with.

  2. I don’t like cancer. Fuck cancer.

    But I don’t like Pedo either. Fuck Pedo.

    They are both deadly evils. The cancer probably figures it owes Pedo professional courtesy.

  3. Speaking of getting rid of cancer, I just read that Kellyanne Conway is finally divorcing that tube-o-lard Lincoln Project Harvey Weinstein look-alike husband of hers. What a doofus he was.

  4. Joe is a malignant invasive squawmous unwanted forced upon cancer in this land and the world. I recently had two spots of skin cancer removed from my body. It’s ugly and painful but it has to be done. It involved injections and grinding, but now I’m free. I will recover, and America needs to shed this fraudulent forced upon cancer and recover as well.


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