Biden’s New Press Secretary Turns out to Be a Big Fan of Conspiracy Theories – IOTW Report

Biden’s New Press Secretary Turns out to Be a Big Fan of Conspiracy Theories

RedState: Remember when denying the legitimacy of any election was not only disqualifying but also got you kicked off Jake Tapper’s low-rated CNN show? I wonder if that rule will hold for Karine Jean-Pierre, who is set to take over as Joe Biden’s press secretary on May 13th. I think we all know the answer to that.

Apparently, Jean-Pierre has a colorful history on social media, and now some of her old tweets are painting a far different picture than the one she’s tried to present since joining the White House. Far from the level-headed, straight shooter that she wants people to believe she is, Jean-Pierre is apparently a conspiratorial lunatic.

I’m literally shaking as I type this because of Jean-Pierre’s unfounded attack on the legitimacy of our elections. After all, I’ve been assured that our system is the “most secure in history” and that fraud could not possibly affect the outcome of any race. To even suggest such is to be cast from polite society. Yet, here we have Biden’s new mouthpiece suggesting that the 2016 election was stolen by a…drone? MORE

20 Comments on Biden’s New Press Secretary Turns out to Be a Big Fan of Conspiracy Theories

  1. Squawk..I’m black…squawk…I’m a lezzy…squawk I’m married to a journalist CNN commie…swuawk…I’m untouchable…squawk I can say any crazy thing I want to…squawk…just like Joy or the bitches from the View . squawk…eat shit and die crackers…squawk.

    We are in the very best of hands…

  2. This is the perfect choice to prove that Joey Obiden Bama’s Handlers and Masters have nothing but contempt for the vast majority of American citizens. Every time she opens her mouth, we will know she’s yet another hater of the country that took her in, educated her, and expected some modicum of gratitude, not seething contempt.

  3. My middle daughter asked me back then what was so different about the 2016 campaign and election.

    I told that, up to that point, I had never used the “C”- word to refer to a woman.

  4. It would be a good indicator of the health of the press in this country if NO one showed up to any press briefing from now on………..why return ANY respect to this administration!!!

  5. Hi, I’m Aaron Burr. You might remember me from such controversial websites such as EVILCONSERVATIVES and election shenanigans such as the RE-ELECTION OF SCOTT WALKER.

    I’m here today with the good people of American Offshore Financial (wink) to offer you a job. That’s right, A.O.F. is hiring for it’s upcoming, lucrative international endeavors. But we can’t do it alone!

    If you have what it takes, or know someone who has what it takes, or even if you’re someone who simply knows how to take, we’re looking for you!

    Our application process is so easy even a monkey could do it. Simply craft a conspiracy sure to raise the hackles on the new White House press secretary and spread the word!

    The first one to gain media notoriety or suffer an unscheduled pre dawn raid is guaranteed a space in the executive parking lot as well as greater opportunity to spread mischief on a global scale.


    A.O.F. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Armageddon Incorporated LLC and as such is not responsible or liable in any way for law enforcement response.

  6. “I got some nifty hats….and local media attention that resulted in a strained marriage and a dip in my business prospects.

    Cool hats though”

    Mark, Wisconsin

    “I joined A.O.F. back in 2013. I’m up for parole in July.”

    Dennis, Grosse Point

    “Thanks to A.O.F., I’m staying in power indefinitely.”

    Faustin Archange Touadera; Chad

    “A.O.F. made me president of Earf.”

    Stacy Abrahms

    Join these and thousands of other satisfied customers by joining the team. TEAM A.O.F. “For an ominous tomorrow”™

  7. @Kcir – cause i give a Kcuf May 11, 2022 at 4:36 pm

    > It’s just not funny anymore…

    I Googled for “entire household murdered at curb”. Zero hits. So, I’m still laughing.

  8. @unsolicited and uncompensated endorsements from non actors May 11, 2022 at 7:28 pm

    > “For an ominous tomorrow”™

    Since that’s a (TM), not an (R), you’d better be sure your attorneys are returning your calls.

  9. Burr, course plotted for the center of the sun
    MAY 11, 2022 AT 7:14 PM

    “Little by little the night turns around
    Counting the leaves which tremble at dawn
    Lotuses lean on each other in yearning
    Under the eaves the swallow is resting
    Set the controls for the heart of the sun”
    -Pink Floyd, “Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun”

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