Biden’s nominee for Comptroller of the Currency, Saule Omarova – “No More Private Banks, Only Central Bank at the Fed” – IOTW Report

Biden’s nominee for Comptroller of the Currency, Saule Omarova – “No More Private Banks, Only Central Bank at the Fed”

29 Comments on Biden’s nominee for Comptroller of the Currency, Saule Omarova – “No More Private Banks, Only Central Bank at the Fed”

  1. Perfect example of leftism at work. For this woman and her supporters (and there are way too many) all banks will be replaced by the Fed. The Fed (and the government) will control our money. Without deposits banks cannot make loans, therefore loans will have to come from the government. Perfect situation to then have those social credit scores that determine what your interest rate for loans will be (0% for the right person, 50% compounded daily for Trump voters). Oh, and there will be tracking by the government on how you vote, so if you vote for a conservative somehow your account will be frozen or lost, purely by accident though.

  2. If the Repubes go along with this Communist POS nominee we may as well just hand the country over to to the CCP right now.
    We know which Rino’s will gladly partake in the vote to confirm too.

    Fraudulent Beijing Biteme Biden should be held up on treason, this is beyond outrage.

    Does anybody really think they’ll ever see the money that gets deposited there? 🤔 That’s a big hell no.

    I’m still waiting on a refund from the IRS that concerns my parent’s estate for a couple of years now. I’ve written that off. 😡

  3. @Different Tim –
    “…Stepping stone to their cashless society…”

    You are correct. And as TRF noted, you would think that the banking industry would have something to say about this objective, But banks are run by milquetoast, woke, go-along-to-get-alng RINOs, who think that the alligator won’t eat them if only they appease it. Eventually the banks will be lose a MAJOR source of lending capital or will be nationalized. The alligator always wins in the swamp.

    Corporations – and in this case, banks – and investment firms, are amoral and no longer answer to shareholders. The stock prices are being propped up by irrational trading, which protects to executives from shareholder scrutiny and backlash. It’s a big fucking club and we aint in it.

  4. What a surprise. An actual CCP chairman/operative plans to be the new U.S. Comptroller of the Currency. So shocked! *eye roll* Xiden was probably “informed” of his nomination during his ice cream treat.

  5. Ha HA ha HA ha HA hA HA HA!!!!!
    It’s been most amusing to watch them MANHANDLE the price of gold and silver for the last 20 years now. But I thank God for my blessed fellow citizens who correctly advised to also buy the MOST PRECIOUS METAL these last 20 years: LEAD.

    Semi-regular trips to our retailers who carry ammo to check their nearly empty shelves, I’ve watched ammo that used to cost $3 is now $9, and $20 boxes are $46, IF you can get any.

    It’s surprising to me that FDR was not assassinated for the dirty trick he pulled with gold, but I am quite certain now is not the time for obola/Soros and their minions to get this brave/stupid.


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