Biden’s Other Dog Has Been Biting People – IOTW Report

Biden’s Other Dog Has Been Biting People


President Biden’s nearly two-year-old German shepherd Commander bit seven people in a four-month period after former first dog Major was ousted from the White House over similar aggressive behavior, according to internal Secret Service communications reviewed by The Post.

The shocking spate of incidents involving Commander — none of them previously known — mirror attacks involving Major, who the White House says was given to family friends after biting many Secret Service members in 2021. More

28 Comments on Biden’s Other Dog Has Been Biting People

  1. he shouldn’t be allowed to have dogs.
    the US Humane Society should see to that.
    the dog probably picks up on fear and hate from his owners, one of which is demented, which it sees as they interact with the SS.
    Just curious- what are the ethnicities of the people that got bitten?

  2. I’ve known several families that raised consistently mean dogs even dogs that are usually a friendly breed. Dogs seem to reflect the demeanor and mental stability of their owners but these were, for the most part, seemingly normal people, some were close family. Obviously I was missing something. Not to brag but I’ve never owned a mean dog…

  3. My dog obedience trainer trains a lot of German Shepherds and other large dogs, he wouldn’t allow any dog to be this disobedient. He does an excellent job and wouldn’t put up with shit from any dog or their equally disobedient or neglectful owner no matter who they are. FJB and his damn dog as well.

  4. Dogs have a very sensitive sense of smell.

    I can only imagine the hell that the miasma coming from Jill and Joe put it through.

    …and that’s BEFORE Hunter drops some “Parmesan Cheese”…

  5. I’ve never seen a dog bite people like that time and again that wasn’t abused in some way. Having it happen 2 dogs in a row would be beyond the realm of possibility unless it’s not the dog at all but the asshole that own it.
    If you love your dog he will love you and not hurt your friends.
    BTW, commander is a lousy name for a dog.

  6. No alpha. If the dog knows it’s alpha it’ll do what it wants. The dog probably sees itself as alpha and is protecting its evidently helpless pack, Joe and DOCTOR Jill. Insecure weak people produce insecure aggressive alpha dogs. Also, dogs pick up the vibes of people around the pack, it may be the people around Joe and DOCTOR Jill really dislike and have malice toward the sock puppet and DOCTOR Jill. That wouldn’t surprise me at all, insecure weak leaders produce malicious disgruntled minions.

  7. This might be about that the dogs are constantly crated every time the old fart flies somewhere on respite, that the approach of certain uniformed personnel presages another traumatizing “ride” for them.


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