Biden’s Proclamation That GAs Prices Were Coming Down Didn’t Age Well – IOTW Report

Biden’s Proclamation That GAs Prices Were Coming Down Didn’t Age Well

16 Comments on Biden’s Proclamation That GAs Prices Were Coming Down Didn’t Age Well

  1. Obiden also likes them French fried pataters, and he likes gravy on them pataters. ummm……mmmm.

    Our country is in the hands of the political equivalent of Karl Childers in Sling Blade, and the rest of the world is just realizing that stolen elections have terrible consequences. Just wait until the Kalamitous Jamindian takes over after the 2022 Midterm Elections. Yippee!

  2. Watch him glitch out when he gets defensive about something.

    He starts to short circuit every other syllable and Lord help him when numbers get involved.

    He has not had a single correct initial guote involving numbers in the last two years.

    The Pedo has such obvious dementia. They take away for 3 days a week and pump him with some magic million dollar cocktail to even function.

    That is why he goes to Deleware 30% if the time. The doctors get flown in and he doesn’t have to disclose his guests.

    Bet they are on station waiting for him and then sent packing after they juice his skeletal ass up

  3. When he said that gas had gone down 3 cents here. After just about doubling in price from $1.89 to $3.50.
    Like he ever buys gas. He doesn’t know where he is let alone what gas and groceries cost.

  4. Marco
    JANUARY 28, 2022 AT 5:11 AM
    “Obiden also likes them French fried pataters, and he likes gravy on them pataters. ummm……mmmm.

    Our country is in the hands of the political equivalent of Karl Childers in Sling Blade”

    …I don’t think that’s very fair.

    To Sling Blade.

    Sling Blade KNEW he was mentally ill and didn’t WANT to leave the mental institution, Democrats kicked him out for political reasons.

    Pedo Biden would NEVER admit he is mentally ill, and Democrats frauded him INTO a government institution for political reasons.

    Sling Blade had a useful skill and used it for the betterment of other people, and made legitimate money with real work that he used to pay his own way.

    Pedo has no constructive skill, only lying, abd he’s not even good at that. Everything Pedo does harms people, and he’s never made a legitimate dollar in his long and fraudulent life. He has stolen quite a bit, and yet has ALWAYS forced taxpayers to pay his LAVISH living expenses.

    Sling Blade took care of himself.

    Pedo has other people wipe his butt, when he remembers to.

    Sling Blade killed so a mother and her child could have a better life, freed of evil.

    Pedo rapes children, then kills others to advance evil.

    Sling Blade immediately owned up to his crimes and accepted the consequences.

    Pedo never will, he just commits fresh crimes and blames others.

    So a mentally ill character who kills guys with heavy sharp things is in every way preferable than the fraud in the White House.

    He’d probably be a better president too.

    He certainly couldn’t be WORSE…

  5. Cisco Kid
    JANUARY 28, 2022 AT 6:01 AM
    “…and Lord help him when numbers get involved.”

    …it ain’t the LORD helping him, THAT’S for sure, think lower and more sulpherous…

  6. Anon;
    Biden never had us Country Hicks, we knew what he was.
    He had the inner city black dependents, the suburban liberals, socialists, hard line communists and those with mental deficiencies.
    He’s lost 30 % of the suburban liberals and nearly 65% of the mental deficients (the two more intelligent groups).

  7. @cisco….

    Adrenochrome….keeping those over 80 congresscritters and elites out of the graveyards and nursing homes….keeping those abortion mills turning, and those illegal child migrants flowing across our southern border.

  8. SNS: I must admit that you are on to something. Karl Childers would definitely come to Tara Reade’s assistance if he had caught Senator Joseph Biden assaulting her in such an underhanded manner. However, in the decades that have slipped away since that unsavory, ungentlemanly assault, Poor Joey has assumed more of Karl’s personality though. He likes them ice cream cones. Especially with gravy. ummm……mmmm.


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