Biden’s Shadow Will Cast A Pall Over Foreign Relations – IOTW Report

Biden’s Shadow Will Cast A Pall Over Foreign Relations


Former ambassador to Germany Ric Grenell on Sunday claimed Susan Rice, tapped by President-elect Joe Biden to run the Foreign Policy Council, will really act as the “shadow president” in the administration.

In an interview on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures,” Grenell said “you need to watch Susan Rice very closely.

“She will be the shadow president,” he claimed. “We have a president-elect in Joe Biden who clearly is not the Joe Biden of 10 years ago. He’s not even the Joe Biden of five years ago when it comes to policy issues. More

13 Comments on Biden’s Shadow Will Cast A Pall Over Foreign Relations

  1. I can’t wait until Joe Biden is inaugurated as president because that night my Petey B is going to inaugurate my unbleached elastic starfish!

  2. This is news? obama-ites never relinquished power. They just took a vacation, and now returning rested, refreshed and raring to complete the destruction of America.

    They dropped the Hope and Change facade to just CHANGE.

  3. Anon – There might be a war involving China, but it is more likely to involve Taiwan rather than the US. I would not expect Biden and his Pentagoon commanders to support Taiwan in a conflict.


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