Biden’s Slaves – IOTW Report

Biden’s Slaves

AND Magazine-

All throughout history people have enslaved other people. The word slave in English is in fact derived from the word “Slav” a recognition of the untold millions of people of Slavic descent bought and sold by the Ottoman Turks and other Europeans in the Middle Ages. The transatlantic slave trade brought millions of people from West Africa to the Americas. Arab slave traders captured and sold East Africans into slavery into the late 1800s.

Most of us think that slavery is a thing of the past. We are wrong. Ask Joe Biden and the members of his administration working overtime to pump millions of new slaves from all over the world into the modern-day plantation system that exists right here in the United States today.

A recent Reuters investigation exposed the wholesale employment of illegal child laborers in Alabama factories by at least four major suppliers of parts to the Hyundai Motor Co and its sister Kia Corporation. State and federal agencies are currently investigating the apparent employment of child laborers in as many as six other factories in the same state. more

3 Comments on Biden’s Slaves

  1. Investigators really mean business when they show up at the front door without having people at the back door. Those factories probably practice for those raids like they practice fire drills.

    The sad part is that federal minimum wage laws probably exacerbate the problem. In Alabama those factories could probably find a ton of people who would work for $5.00 an hour and be pretty well off working for it. But no, the Feds get involved and dictate that employers pay more than the market can handle — so why not hire some illegals who will work for less?

    The law of unintended consequences.

  2. I’m having an impossible time hiring people who want to work. It seems the gov’t largesse has ended, yet there is still a labor shortage. The elites will use this as an excuse to import low wag and low skilled workers who get free stuff from the gov’t. A Dem candidate promises then free stuff and they vote to elect Him/Her/Ze. It’s Not about helping America, it’s about helping the elites stay in power.

  3. “We Fought A War Over This Issue – End Modern Day Slavery In America”

    …we did indeed fight a war over it. One of the unintended consequences of that war was that it destroyed the idea of the Union being a compact between states, and firmly established the supracy of Federal power over all, the power that allows this tyranny to flourish now.

    It flourishes under Democrat rule.

    After WWII, the Nazi party was outlawed, its leaders hunted down and hung.

    We failed to do that with Democrats at the conclusion of the Civil War.

    So here we are now.

    Slavery is just Democrats doing what Democrats do.

    If you’re a student of history, you cannot be surprised.


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