Biden’s Son-in-Law Already Positioning Himself To Profit If Joe Gets Elected – IOTW Report

Biden’s Son-in-Law Already Positioning Himself To Profit If Joe Gets Elected


According to the far-left Politico, we can now add Joe Biden’s son-in-law to the members of the Biden family who have put themselves into a position to profit off the former vice president’s position and power.

Biden’s daughter, Ashley, is married to Philadelphia head and neck doctor Howard Krein. The two met in 2010 and married in 2012.

Currently,  Krein serves as chief medical officer for a firm called StartUp Health, an investment firm that, according to Politico, “unveiled a new coronavirus initiative soliciting pitches from entrepreneurs with products that addressed the outbreak.”

And now Krein is advising the Biden campaign on the coronavirus.

The conflict of interest here is obvious. Krein is not only in a position to shape policy in a way advantageous to his firm, he can get a heads up on what’s coming. For an investment company, that’s the Golden Ticket. More

7 Comments on Biden’s Son-in-Law Already Positioning Himself To Profit If Joe Gets Elected

  1. Sen Sheldon Whitehouse (Dimwit RI) in his delaying tactics against Amy Barrett loves to hear himself talk as he continues the asshatery he began yesterday, and I suspect is being paid extra money to be a space heater.

    He is trying to make the case that the congress has a code of ethics that guides the actions in the Senate, and the SCOTUS has no code of ethics to guide their actions, (which Oh btw allowed SCOTUS to kill the investigation into Kavanaugh) and he wants Amy to fix that if confirmed.

    When this kind of nonsense is promoted I always want to hear someone respond to the accusing Senator by asking them how they and many of their colleagues, take Joe Biden as an example, became wealthy in public office if their code of ethics had any meaning or was in any way superior to the nonexistent code of ethics at the SCOTUS. But no one ever calls them out.

  2. And Hillary’s daughter. Most politicians kids don’t get anywhere on their own merit, nor have the capability to do so, yet all seem to go to top flight schools, get lucrative jobs right out of college, and become very wealthy shortly thereafter. Interesting how that works.


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