Biden’s Starting To Discuss His Policies, and They Are Largely AOC’s – IOTW Report

Biden’s Starting To Discuss His Policies, and They Are Largely AOC’s


“On Tuesday Joe Biden released his $2 trillion climate-change plan—one of the few times he’s produced a detail on anything. It is radical—no surprise, since it is the product of a task force co-chaired by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Mr. Biden vows to outlaw all use of coal and natural gas to generate electricity within 15 years. He’d ban oil and gas production on federal land and offshore. He’d drive to “zero emissions” cars. He’d apply “aggressive” new “appliance- and building-efficiency standards.” He’d create a new “Environmental and Climate Justice Division” of the Justice Department to mete out “jail time” to corporate officials whose businesses “continue to pollute” communities.

Mr. Biden is promising to delete the jobs of millions of Americans—at a time of soaring unemployment. A study by the National Ocean Industries Association finds that a ban on offshore drilling alone would cost 200,000 jobs, damaging regional economies. Mr. Biden would overrun the nation with solar panels, wind turbines and charging stations. Basic consumer choice would disappear for vehicles, dishwashers, even homes. The Justice Department would become a weapon against businessmen who run afoul of fast-changing progressive standards.

To make this happen, Mr. Biden endorsed a plan to kill the Senate filibuster, which requires 60 votes to move most legislation forward and has long served as a guardrail against drastic partisan proposals. He joined progressives this week in calling on a prospective Democratic majority to abolish it if Republicans don’t go along with his plans.” – Kim Strassel

ht/ c. steven tucker

17 Comments on Biden’s Starting To Discuss His Policies, and They Are Largely AOC’s

  1. Proof of By-Dumb”s mental retardation.
    He’s parroting the oral defecation of
    all talk and no logical thought
    Alex-sangria Out-of-kotex.
    But maybe he just wants to get close to her
    To FEEL HER UP !

  2. Get it now!! The Biden puppet, complete with strings (though they are all current reserved for socialists) for only $50000, plus tax. But wait, there’s more, for only $500 more we will keep him from ever appearing in public. Order now and we will even throw in letting him sniff your child’s hair for free!

  3. “Mr. Biden endorsed a plan to kill the Senate filibuster.”
    Biden can’t even endorse his own morning stool that ends up in his diaper. He just knows that it’s warm and squishy.

  4. @geoff the aardvark JULY 17, 2020 AT 2:12 PM
    AOC is under 35, she’s too young for President if joey picked her as VP and he croaked.

    Third in line is the Speaker of the House, aka President Pelosi.


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