Biden’s State Department Hangs Up on US Citizen Trapped in Afghanistan, Now He’s Fearing for His Life – IOTW Report

Biden’s State Department Hangs Up on US Citizen Trapped in Afghanistan, Now He’s Fearing for His Life


Joe Biden’s poorly planned exit from Afghanistan left behind hundreds of American citizens now trapped within the borders of a terrorist-controlled country.

One of these citizens even called Biden’s State Department, pleading for help.

After explaining his dire situation, the stranded citizen was left stunned by how the U.S. government chose to respond to his pleas.

They hung up the phone.

According to The Intercept, that U.S. citizen’s name is Prince Wafa, a former U.S. Army translator turned U.S. citizen in 2019.

11 Comments on Biden’s State Department Hangs Up on US Citizen Trapped in Afghanistan, Now He’s Fearing for His Life

  1. Biden admin and puppet masters can’t be bothered rescuing Americans but they’re going to use the entire force of the government to make sure babies can be killed at any stage, even at birth.

    Because they care.

  2. Prince Wafa is not an American…. Just because he has a U.S. passport doesn’t mean anything. Good luck Wafa, I hope you the best, but stay in Afghanistan, America is full.

  3. We’re coming for you, buddy! You have NOTHING. You are outside Our playground of Our friends in Japan, South Korea, maybe North Korea, South Africa, India, Russia(believe it or not), Europe, Britain, Scotland, Ireland, and South America, et al.

  4. Has the Evening News begun their nightly countdown of “AMERICA HELD HOSTAGE,” like they did in 1979 (it’s DAY 3 now, don’tcha know?)?

    Or have they learned their lesson since then? 🙄

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