Biden’s Student Debt Ploy Primarily Benefits the Well Off – IOTW Report

Biden’s Student Debt Ploy Primarily Benefits the Well Off

The Federalist

President Joe Biden is expected to announce $10,000 of student loan “forgiveness” for low- and middle-income Americans earning less than $125,000 on Wednesday. While the move is ostensibly to give lower-income Americans a lift in Biden’s recession, a closer look at the numbers shows it will disproportionately aid those who are better off. More

18 Comments on Biden’s Student Debt Ploy Primarily Benefits the Well Off

  1. There should be as much blow-back to these assholes for this horseshit as the Mar-a-Lago raid.

    These motherfuckers are pulling out ALL STOPS because their power will be severely curtailed after the mid-terms.
    Look for the craziest shit to come down the pike before then…

    Mark my words!

  2. Here’s a Tip.

    Look in the mirror.

    See that person staring back at you.
    The Government Does not want to help that Male or Female staring back at you.
    They want to enslave that person in the mirror with Regulations, Taxes, & Debt.

  3. Just think, a liberal asshole couple, including faggot couples making a quarter million dollars a year will get 40 thousand free money.

    black folks demanding reparations in 3..2..

    I’m very curious how many minorities will get this payoff?
    Yet come November the damn fools will still vote democrat 90%


  4. “About 75 percent of student loan borrowers took loans to go to two- or four-year colleges; they account for about half of all student loan debt outstanding,” the Brookings Institute reported in January 2020.”

    “The remaining 25 percent of borrowers went to graduate school; they account for the other half of the debt outstanding.”


    wants to pay off Rich Uncle Pennybags

    with taxpayers money of course

    Nothing pleases the SMELLOCRAT so much

    as to see the middle class wealth

    running to the the unworthy

    and of course, leaving the wealthy

    Untaxed and free of restrictions

  6. Again.
    You cannot “forgive” a loan – you can only shunt the payment off on some unsuspecting schlub (us).

    Disingenuous, at best – criminal, more likely.
    Is this in the Constitution? I don’t recall seeing the FedGov authorized to do this.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. This is just a stepping-stone toward free higher-ed, which has been a major factor in the domestication/destruction of Europe.

    Obama’s Stimulus and Obamacare were supposed to have clinched it but the schools were too greedy and states could not afford to cover the tremendous spike in costs.

    Ironically, interest in attending higher-ed, particularly community colleges, that were to have been the key to the indoctrination/domestication process, has dropped precipitously since the lockdowns/protests. The college my wife worked for has seen its enrollment numbers cut in half.

    The desperation in this illegal executive action is not simply an attempt at getting out the youth vote, but more importantly, it is to lure young adults back in the system.

  8. This is literally an impeachable offense, and if the fucking GOP gets power back in Congress and doesn’t impeach FJB for this, then it’s a sign that it’s business as usual and the GOPe cunts won’t be doing a goddamn thing to stop anything evil going on in DC, nothing.


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