Biden’s Super Tuesday Performance Has Cenk Uygur Unglued – IOTW Report

Biden’s Super Tuesday Performance Has Cenk Uygur Unglued

He calls Biden senile. Says he lies “more than Hillary.”

Thanks for the admission!

ht/ hot salsa

This Young Turks reporter is also upset that Sanders is tanking to Biden.

24 Comments on Biden’s Super Tuesday Performance Has Cenk Uygur Unglued

  1. So you aren’t upset with your party’s establishment rigging this all in the last few days to go to Biden (taking away the will of the people), you just don’t like the guy they rigged it for. Strong principles!

  2. One of the oddest things I saw yesterday was this 4 panel Buttigeig meme showing him passionately embracing Biden with the caption “a son who lost a father and a father who lost a son”.

    I’m sure St. Pete isn’t at a loss for finding daddies but that meme equating him to Biden’s dead son was beyond weird. Especially after Biden confused his own wife with his sister. And his dead son as being a US attorney general. And calling Chris Wallace “Chuck”. And we hold these truths to be self-evident and you know the rest of that stuff.

    I would not be shocked if he picked Obama as his VP.

    All these coordinated endorsements were Obama behind the scenes exerting his influence.

  3. Is Obama pro Castro? Do bears shit in the woods.

    In the linked vid – they are starting to turn on the Dog Eating Kenyan Crackhead

    And these lying sacks of shit upset about other Dems lying… please spare me

  4. OMG guys, read the comments under the linked YouTube vid. It is dog eat dog full on war. The Bernouts are attacking every one of the other factions that make up the Democrat coalition.

    I was on the commuter rail this morning that continues into Seattle and saw the same look on damn near half the faces that The Young Turks’ Emma Vigeland was wearing.

  5. “Elizabeth Warren is still making her ridiculous, asinine case for the brokered convention…”

    Permit me to shorten that a bit:

    “Elizabeth Warren is still ridiculous.”

  6. @ecp March 4, 2020 at 12:30 pm

    > I must have slept through the part where we traded in our republic.

    Why! Mr Van @ecp! That was over a hundred and fifty years ago!

    (Don’t listen to those Yankee scoundrels! A hundred and fifty. Not two hundred. Filthy carpetbaggers.)

  7. That fat Sack-O-Shit is right about Joe’s faults.

    Why don’t we take up a collection and send him to Turkey for a while. I’m sure they will love his pro lefty shit in a Turkish Prison once he opens his face flap.

  8. Turkey Man is a giant child who abuses animals and denies well documented genocide on the side.

    What I’m trying to say is-
    Sink Ugly is a sick bastard.


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