Biden’s Ultimate Claim to Fame – IOTW Report

Biden’s Ultimate Claim to Fame

Jonathan Turley on Fox News

In fairness to the Democrats, both parties have used their power to shield presidents or political allies. However, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability has now uncovered an array of new facts that are shedding light on what could be one of the largest influence peddling efforts in history. For a city where influence peddling is a virtual cottage industry, that is saying a lot. Even in this premier league of corruption, the Biden family is the GOAT. More

9 Comments on Biden’s Ultimate Claim to Fame

  1. Today I read, in more than one place, that Biden is definitively running and that the official announcement will be next Tuesday.

    Does this surprise anyone?
    Does he eighty-six Kamala?
    Aside from RFK Junior, do you think anyone on that side will challenge him?
    For the Trump supporters here, can you articulate a pathway by which Trump can beat Biden this time?

  2. This might help; most economic forecasters are predicting a recession later this year, Larry Sommers put the odds at 80%. I can definitely see this helping Trump as 10’s of millions of voters weigh their economic situation and pine for the good old days of Trump running the country. But this ignores the divisive political climate currently and the full-court press the dem/media cabal initiated in keeping Trump and his numerous court difficulties on the front pages of every newspaper.

  3. Not that I’m disagreeing but it sure is a sad state of affairs. The Democrats will always cheat so our side will never win another election again. Biden gets his second term but the old fool either strokes out or gets talked into leaving office due to health reasons and Kamala is president, and then she will get a second term. Of course she will foment some kind of race war and my kids, who are white, will be living in conditions reminiscent of some Terminator movie. But world war III will have started way before then and the world will be run by the Chinese.

  4. Trolls are out. They must be scared what happens if the Demos try to reinstall him since the public has lost all interest in mean tweets.

    PS I love it when Jeffery has his little sock puppets talking to each other


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