Biden’s Wrong – The Taliban Is Back, Not America – IOTW Report

Biden’s Wrong – The Taliban Is Back, Not America

Former President Donald Trump’s Save America PAC released a hard-hitting ad Tuesday aimed at undercutting President Joe Biden’s claim that “America is back” under his leadership. WATCH

8 Comments on Biden’s Wrong – The Taliban Is Back, Not America

  1. TDS…better known as “Trump Derangement Syndrome ” was an LSM inspired event,

    giving absolute Morons something to cling to…Something to share amongst the

    other Subpar intellects on Social Media and backroom Faculty Lounges ..

    BDS on the other Hand…is completely Self Inflicted …and affects only one

    Man…Pedo 46….

  2. America is going down the tubes. The gov’t has gone authoritarian and the central bank has turned into a money printing factory.

    I’m glad for iotworld. It’s not just fb and twtr that censor. Most conservative sites do to.

    For instance, i’ve been banned from conservativefreepress. It’s basically just a controlled opposition website. Controlled opposition is people who will bitch and moan but never go “too far” in a liberals eyes.

    It’s like rand paul who will make his speeches about how we should be able to go mask free, BUT WOULD NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS TALK ABOUT THE FRAUDULENT NUMBERS FROM THE PCR TESTS USED TO LOCK A SOCIETY DOWN. He would never do that. Ever. Because they are controlled opposition. They only go…so far. And no farther.

    The democrats can say anthing they want. Republicans have to stick to an approved list of topics. When your political leadership adheres to those rules, you are screwed.
    This country is screwed. CFP does not want to here that.


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