Biden’s younger brother James emerges as central figure in family’s big-money deals – IOTW Report

Biden’s younger brother James emerges as central figure in family’s big-money deals

Washington Times:

President Biden‘s younger brother James B. Biden doesn’t appear in the headlines as much as his troubled nephew, the president’s son Hunter Biden.

A House Republican investigation, however, is poised to expose how James Biden and eight other family members may have profited from his brother’s powerful positions in government and perhaps put national security in danger by compromising the president.

Court documents and congressional reports show James Biden wasn’t shy about promoting his brother’s influence, including telling potential business partners in 2019 that his brother Joe “was in the room with him” as he closed in on a lucrative deal. 

Seven years younger than the president, James Biden, 73, never graduated from college but has made a successful living with a string of varied business ventures, some of the most lucrative deals secured with Hunter Biden.

The two Bidens recently raked in seven-figure payouts from energy companies connected to the Chinese Communist Party, bank records obtained by congressional Republicans show. The money was wired in 2017 and 2018 to Hunter Biden‘s Owasco law firm and then distributed by Hunter Biden to associates and family members. Hunter Biden gave at least $1.4 million to Lion Hall Group, James Biden’s consulting firm based in Merion Station, Pennsylvania. The president’s daughter-in-law, Hallie Biden, also got a cut of the funds. MORE

11 Comments on Biden’s younger brother James emerges as central figure in family’s big-money deals

  1. The momentum to erase the Pedo and prevent him from running again gains real steam just prior to an intended announcement on Tuesday.

    There are no coincidences in politics, the Pedo will be pushed aside and take his retarded tweener VP with him.

    This solves enormous problems fur the cabal because his dementia would have him flame out soon anyway

    This could even lead to impeachment though I suspect a resignation due to sudden health concerns to be followed by pardons for every corruptocrat and family member involved, but then we have the tweener who will ve shoved aside for the Wookie.

    The commie cunt VP will get to play pretend President till 24 and then retire with full benefits.

    Mark my words…

  2. Does anyone think that if he, or any other member of the Biden family, thought they would be held accountable for their illegal and unethical acts they would not have committed them so blatantly?

  3. Uh-Duh…

    So much of this crap came out years ago when Obama was first running for office and selected Biden as his running mate. At the time there was a financial lawsuit pending against Jim and Hunter. What is with people and their deliberate ignorance.


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