Big Layoffs Coming to Financially Struggling ESPN – IOTW Report

Big Layoffs Coming to Financially Struggling ESPN

Breitbart: As sports cable network ESPN continues to bleed cash, another round of layoffs is about to hit that will reportedly take out some well-known reporters and on-air faces.

Reports say that ESPN management is being tasked with cutting “tens of millions” of dollars of staff salary from its payroll, meaning that on-air personalities are on the chopping block, according to Sports Illustrated.

“Today’s fans consume content in many different ways, and we are in a continuous process of adapting to change and improving what we do. Inevitably, that has consequences for how we utilize our talent,” ESPN said in a statement. “We are confident that ESPN will continue to have a roster of talent that is unequaled in sports.”

The network is reportedly set to buyout some contracts, and fire writers and behind the camera staffers. The slashing of staff will likely be completed by June, insiders say.  MORE

18 Comments on Big Layoffs Coming to Financially Struggling ESPN

  1. Their parent company, Disney (sexual deviant Central) ESPN, and all Professional Sports continue to try and destroy their market. Jeez, catch a clue. We don’t give a fuck about your agenda.

    Yea he’s been a useful tool the last couple days. He has nailed this which I’ll give him credit for. I’m following Dana Loecsh on FB just so I can constantly remind her she actually was NeverTrump. She denies it constantly. Freaken Bimbo.

  3. ESPN, NFL, NBA, NCAA, NASCAR are in a race to see how irrelevant they can make sports a part of our lives … why? because sports has a hierarchy that is anathema to a collective society that ‘our betters’ are trying to create to better control us.
    funny …. they want to hasten their own demise … again … why?
    look no further than the lords that control these entities … billionaire One-Worlders

  4. Mark Levin isn’t on Hannity right now but on channel 76 we have Star Trek Voyager and I kid you not, they have an African American Vulcan talking like Spock, but as a much worse parody

  5. If you enjoy watching sports, go watch your local high school or college athletics programs. Our kids have been out of high school a while but the wife and I still enjoy a Friday night foot ball game or wrestling match on occasion.

  6. I love sports, and even I admit that ESPN has become largely irrelevant. Local markets cover their local teams very well, you can get packages for major sports if you follow out of market teams, the major college conferences now have their own television networks, and most of the networks have live streaming functions. Furthermore, ESPN doesn’t carry the mass interest events like the NBA playoffs (TNT), March Madness (CBS), the MLB playoffs (Fox) or the NFL playoffs (networks). ESPN has been largely reduced to Sports Center and various sports talk shows. And yes, I do buy a couple of sports packages because they are reasonably priced and sports is my entertainment.

    To be fair, Sports Center is very good and ESPN has produced some terrific series – their 30 for 30 programs are top notch. But even I can only take just so much of pre and post game analysis or the NFL draft. Sports fans want to watch games; not listen to continual analysis which becomes boring in a short time.

    ESPN has lurched leftward, but I think it would be a mistake to think that this is the cause of ESPN’s problems. Other competitors jumped into ESPN’s market, showed more games that were interesting to more fans, and stole their audience.

  7. Hey, I have novel idea. How about the History channel stick to history and give up reality shows? The SciFi channel put science fiction on not wrestling shows? MTV promote music not shows about self centered 20 somethings living together and ESPN stick to sports not social engineering?

  8. Hmmm, layoffs at a sports network that insisted on making leftist political commentary instead of just analyzing the most recent game. Maybe the other networks (cough,MSM,cough) will start having the same type of problem for sugar coating the lefty ideology instead of just providing unbiased facts.

  9. ESPN has become unwatchable. It’s the chick channel. There is one show, that all they do is scream over each other. (Sports Nation). I need a drink after watching it. Couldn’t take it anymore, dumped it for American Pickers reruns.

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