“Big Mouth” Roger Stone Indictments – IOTW Report

“Big Mouth” Roger Stone Indictments

Zero Hedge-

Byron York said-

In the end, it appears Stone’s big problem was his big mouth. He liked to brag about being behind all sorts of nefarious deeds when in fact he was not, or he had a tangential connection to them. That led to this chain of events: 1) Stone bragged in public; 2) the House committee asked him about his bragging under oath; and 3) Mueller investigated the veracity of Stone’s sworn testimony. If Stone had not popped off about himself all the time, he probably would not have gotten himself in trouble.

Here’s a count-by-count breakdown (text courtesy of WashEx):

  • Count One alleges that Stone obstructed the House committee’s investigation by denying he had emails and other documents about WikiLeaks-related contacts. During his House testimony, Stone was asked if he had “emails to anyone concerning the allegations of hacked documents … or any discussions you have had with third parties about [WikiLeaks]?” Stone answered that he did not, when in fact he had a bunch of emails and other communications. The obstruction charge also alleges Stone attempted to prevent Credico from testifying or tried to convince him to testify falsely.

Counts two through six concern specific statements to the House committee. Count Two is based on Stone’s assertion that he did not have emails.

  • Count Three alleges that Stone lied when he said that Credico was his only “go-between” to Assange, when in fact, Stone was also in contact with Corsi for that purpose. “At no time did Stone identify [Corsi] to [the House] as another individual Stone contacted to serve as a ‘go-between,'” the indictment says.
  • Count Four alleges that Stone lied when he said he did not ask Credico to communicate anything to Assange, when in fact Stone asked both Credico and Corsi to get in touch with Assange “to pass on requests … for documents Stone believed would be damaging to the Clinton campaign.”
  • Count Five alleges that Stone lied when he told the House that he and Credico did not communicate via text message or email about WikiLeaks. Stone told the committee the two talked over the phone, when in fact, according to the indictment, “Stone and [Credico] … engaged in frequent written communications by email and text message.”
  • Count Six alleges that Stone lied when he testified that he had never discussed his conversations with Credico with anyone at the Trump campaign, when in fact, “Stone spoke to multiple individuals involved in the Trump campaign about what he claimed to have learned from his intermediary to [WikiLeaks].”
  • Count Seven is a witness tampering charge, alleging that Stone tried to convince Credico to take the Fifth or to lie to the House committee.

ht/ wisco dave

16 Comments on “Big Mouth” Roger Stone Indictments

  1. When have we seen a single democrat be prosecuted in all this? The Podesta’s and Clinton’s go skipping along without any scrutiny whatsoever.
    If they ever hope to restore any trust in this government they’d better apply some even handed justice. I’m not holding my breath.

  2. Yeah. There’s not doubt that Roger’s peacock ego and his desire to seem more important and influential than he really is got him in trouble.

    Why they had to conduct a pre-dawn raid armed to the teeth like he was that dangerous Elian Gonzalez mystifies me though. As does the fact that CNN was on hand before the raid even began to capture it all on camera.

  3. Roger Stone “I expect to be indicted at anytime”

    A self fulfilling prophecy by a moron. What did he think was going to happen. Strange how CNN had a news crew at the scene of the arrest, complete with a dozen FBI agents in full kit with automatic weapons.

  4. Predawn RAID! What is this Nazi Germany? Moscow in the Cold War? Was Stone “ARMED AND DANGEROUS?” Is Stone another Al Capone? Does he have nuclear weapons? Free country? Free speech? Son-of-a-bitch this country is effed up!

  5. If people really think that was it, the solution is for all of us to be quiet, never say a word against Democrats, Libs, MSM, Hollywood, pedophiles, abortionists, etc …. Well, we better have this and other conservative sites just to share cat videos.

    Let’s be honest, the people Mueller is going after are people just like you and me. The difference is that they have more money and prominence. They will come after all of us soon. Our opinions, and even wardrobe won’t be tolerated if we just keep quiet.

    I couldn’t bring myself to click on CNN and watch the video of his arrest, but the picture that I saw, with those night lights, reminded me that each one of us praying, will make brighter lights, even brighter than the one they showed on the top of the WTC in NY to celebrate their new murdering children laws.

  6. Muller is never going to end his phony investigation until he has any loose fish swimming around Trump in his basket. That will teach people to stay far away from Trump and friends. It is insurance that Trump doesn’t find anything on the FBI or the DOJ.

  7. Operating just like the Stasi. Mueller made sure there was a big production with several vehicles and agents with body armor. You may not like Roger Stone but this is a sign of things to come.

    Mueller is a filthy fucking asshole traitor.

  8. Never talk to the police, instigators, or law enforcement agencies of any kind.

    Don’t be hostile or belligerent toward them, just refer all questions to your attorney and let him answer them for you.

    This is your Constitutional right and is intended to prevent abuse by authorities, I’m surprised so many just cooperate without question or apprehension when questioned.

    People are far more likely to be prosecuted and convicted of something, particularly if they are innocent, by something they say than by something they don’t say.


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