Big ‘O Brave – IOTW Report

Big ‘O Brave

The best I can say for high school prospect, Brave Williams is “work in progress.” So far there have been no college offers for this oversized athlete.


16 Comments on Big ‘O Brave

  1. Remember “The Refrigerator” Perry? He was a little bit smaller (6’2″, 340lb) but Ditka gave him a chance and did pretty well.

    Who knows what this kid can do given the chance and time to progress.

  2. Dave: “…He is slow…” Well, please advise when he is “moderate” or “fast.” If he can’t read/cypher, give him his shovel and send him to the DPW. Dumb. Ass.

  3. Did anyone read the comments? I’m not sure if it’s this video or another one I saw of him, but some of the comments were made by football scouts. They said he seemed unmotivated, he was slow, he just didn’t have it. I tend to agree with him. If a good coach got a hold of him, he might have half a chance–IF he pout forth the effort.

  4. I once knew a very large man. He said other men would often try to start a fight with him to prove how tough they were and it bothered him. Of course he could cream em right then and there but instead would try to laugh it off or walk away. He told me that one hit from his fist to their face could easily shatter the jaw. I said, ok then break their f in face! He’d say, honey, I don’t make enough money to constantly go to court ft for broken jaws. I say all of this because that’s the take I got from that big kid. I wonder if he’s honestly trying not to hurt them.

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