UPDATE: Big Papi shot in the back in The Dominican Republic – IOTW Report

UPDATE: Big Papi shot in the back in The Dominican Republic

As we reported last night, David Ortiz was shot. The video looks like it was an assassination attempt->



Retired Red Sox slugger David Ortiz was shot and wounded at an amusement center in his hometown of Santo Domingo on Sunday, according to reports.

Ortiz’s father Leo confirmed the report to Enrique Rojas of ESPN. There was no update on Ortiz’s condition.

“They called me to tell me that David is injured and that they took him to a medical center, but they did not tell me how he is or exactly where he was transferred,” Leo Ortiz told Rojas.

This is what we know: David Ortiz was shot at a club/rest. in Santo Domingo; was taken to a local clinic. An attending doctor told our colleague the bullet hit him in the lower back, went through-and-through. He’s currently in surgery; doctors say he’s out of danger.

8 Comments on UPDATE: Big Papi shot in the back in The Dominican Republic

  1. The Dominican Republic has an unusual approach to tourist development lately. Every other day we’re hearing about a rape, murder, attempted murder, muggings and theft. That’s going to be a magnet for those looking for an exotic vacation.

  2. Still a lively destination for the Sex Trade…A Guy I used to play

    Softball with ran an “Dating Service” called Cuba Dave’s..He started

    out in Cuba…But got ran out of there, then went to the DR.

    He was warned a few times, then on one trip, as He was leaving,

    The G confiscated His Computer and Phone…He went back again…3

    Years in a DR Prison..He’s in Central America now.

  3. If I need to be shot in a shithole country…

    1) DEE-troit is close enough
    2) I don’t need a passport (yet…)
    3) I can drive there (because I HATE flying – THANKS TSA!)
    4) I can get turd world medical care THERE (THANKS, ShitbamaKare!)
    5) I can LEGALLY shoot BACK (Oh wait… I CAN’T do that in shithole COUNTRIES, can I? 😳 )


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