Big ring fingers and covid-19 – IOTW Report

Big ring fingers and covid-19


The length of a man’s ring finger has been linked to his risk of dying of COVID-19 in a study, due to its potential links to testosterone levels. However, experts not involved in the research said that while the work is interesting, more research is needed to confirm the link between COVID-19 and the hormone, and no one should feel they are safe from the coronavirus.

Men with longer ring fingers appear to have a lower risk of dying from, or having, severe COVID-19, according to the authors of the study published in the journalEarly Human Development. They came to their conclusion by looking at what is known as the digit ratio, which is thought to be a measure of exposure to testosterone in the womb. As more men have so far died of COVID-19 than women, some scientists have asked whether testosterone could play a role.

The digital ratio is calculated by dividing the length of the index finger, known as 2D, by the length of the ring finger, or 4D. Having a fourth finger longer than the second is thought to indicate higher exposure to hormones such as testosterone in the womb. John Manning, professor of Evolutionary Psychology at Swansea University in the U.K. and first author of the new study, has spent years researching this topic.

31 Comments on Big ring fingers and covid-19

  1. Just looked at my hands.

    I’m a dead man.

    I just wonder if they’ll call it Corinavirus, suicide, or both.

    Either way it means I’ll be voting Democrat for all eternity.

    But I’m in Ohio, so it’s not like they were going to count my vote in the first place even if I lived.

    Gotta go, there’s apparently a sign-up for ghost jobs over here, and I plan to haunt the FUCK out of DeWine, but there’s a LOT of aborted babies ahead of me so I’ll REALLY have to shine at the interview…

    See you on the other side,

    PS…when you other guys get here, probably soon because of the OTHER viruses and the Civil War, don’t bother lining up to haunt the Barrys, Hillarys, or Pelosis in your world. Apparently they’re all just satan’s finger puppets, so they tell us haunting them is useless since they aren’t really people in the first place. There WAS a guy haunting Bill Clinton, but he got SO sick of all the perversion he had to see that he committed ghost suicide and killed himself back to life, and is now living in a box in Rancine WI where he just rocks and stares all day…

  2. All I know is that my middle finger is longer than the rest and that’s the one I give to the Progs pushing the “we’re all gonna die” virus crap especially Fauci.

    Speaking of which, middle fingers that is, get a load of this from my screwed up state. That’s how we roll here, I guess. Guy should be fired immediately before he kills someone.
    Catching crazed State Trooper on Tape Was Lucky Break

  3. They forgot to include the astrological sign and phase of the moon in their calculations…
    Sometimes I feel like we’re literally being sucked into the dark ages, where ignorance and superstition reigned.

  4. Dan, that trooper is a hero. While I don’t condone his behavior, I understand it, and love that he tore that idiot a new a$$hole. Act like a douche and be treated like one.

    I’m sure the self-righteous youngster will be scarred for life and require years of psychological counselling, not to mention the drug scripts associated with that. Of course, the fact that the crazed trooper viciously beat and shot the kid to death makes all that moot.

    What? He only got yelled at? Too bad mommy and daddy didn’t turn-to on raising their child; the whole incident may have never taken place.

    Too, the fact the trooper has served your state for an entire career without murdering someone does suggest that it would be appropriate to ‘fire’ him fourteen months before retirement. For yelling at an idiot.

    If this is the standard for firing cops, then ALL cops need to be fired immediately, because it happens to most of them during their careers!

    I read on this blog how people get fed-up with open and gross stupidity, whether in our government, or from our fellow citizens. Think about the incidences of stupidity you have to endure in your life; now increase that by a couple of orders of magnitude. That is what cops have to deal with daily. Too bad for that idiot that he was the straw that broke the camel’s back. He got yelled at. Wah.

  5. Ann Nonymous Prime
    MAY 27, 2020 AT 9:34 AM
    “The distractions are getting more and more bizarre. Maybe from loss of brain cells through mask-related oxygen deprivation?”

    …they can’t lose what they observably never had, and the end they put the mask on isn’t the end they think with anyway.

    …good theory otherwise…

  6. “The length of a man’s ring finger has been linked to his risk of dying of COVID-19 in a study,”

    Not holding out much hope for a vaccine if this is the state of the science. This is goddam Cosmopolitan Magazine crap.

  7. SNS–

    They had enough brain cells to walk and talk and drive, at least (I’m not saying how well). Even those basic actions appear to be atrophying at a rapid clip.

    When you live in a breeding ground for liberals, you have plenty of opportunities for observation.

  8. “The length of a man’s ring finger has been linked to his risk of dying of COVID-19 in a study”

    Well then, just don’t let them study you, dudes. Then the risk of dying in a study drops to zero.

    Journos, journos, journos…

  9. I use my shorter index finger to tippy tab on my iPhone keyboard for IOTW and I still have to correct every other word..friggin gorilla hands…

    Thank God Fur put in an edit function cause before then everyone thought I couldn’t spell…


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