Big Tech teaming up to better track your movements under the claim of providing you more ‘security’ – IOTW Report

Big Tech teaming up to better track your movements under the claim of providing you more ‘security’

Newstarget: Tech giants Apple and Google, which track user data incessantly as part of their business models, are teaming up on an app to prevent others from tracking users in an obvious move to corner the user market once and for all.

According to the Washington Times, the tech behemoths “are working to develop new alerts of unwanted tracking to warn people when someone is spying on their movements through Bluetooth location-tracking products.” The outlet added: “Bluetooth location-tracking tools help people find lost luggage, keys or other items but they can be misused by stalkers or others to inappropriately surveil your whereabouts.”

On Tuesday, Apple announced that it had collaborated with Google to create a preliminary proposal aimed at enabling Bluetooth location-tracking tools to be interoperable with tracking detection and alerts on their respective operating systems to inform iPhone and Android users about any unwanted surveillance activities. But of course, that will mean Apple and Google will be tracking app users. MORE

Google’s Vice President of Engineering for Android, Dave Burke, stated that preventing unwanted Bluetooth tracking will require a collective effort from the technology industry, the Times reported.

10 Comments on Big Tech teaming up to better track your movements under the claim of providing you more ‘security’

  1. Google’s stuff is more like shit every day. It’s badly designed, buggy and invasive. They pretend to care about security – but only to convince the unwary that they “can be trusted.” Shades of Micro$oft years ago (“Always trust Microsoft…”)

    Google absolutely CAN NOT be trusted. Nor Apple. Nor any large corporation.

    If you want to gain control of your PC, tablet or phone, Linux is your only option now.


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