Big Time Dem Donor Pleads Guilty – IOTW Report

Big Time Dem Donor Pleads Guilty

Conservative Treehouse

Imaad Zuberi, a 49-year-old resident of Arcadia, California, has agreed to plead guilty to a variety of illegal activities surrounding campaign contributions, political influence, and unregistered lobbying on behalf of foreign clients. Mr. Zuberi was under DOJ, FBI and IRS investigation since 2015. More 

4 Comments on Big Time Dem Donor Pleads Guilty

  1. The fact that it seems the FBI had the goods on this guy well before Trump won then allowed him to continue after the election is an item for the IG to investigate. It is possible that they were looking for new corruptible officials within the Trump administration which I suppose could be defended up to a point. In any event I didn’t see any mention of prison time for this cockroach. I wonder if he’s going to get a walk because the Feds are too afraid of what else may come out about his activities.


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