Big Victory for Javier Milei: Argentine Congress Passes Massive Reform Bill – IOTW Report

Big Victory for Javier Milei: Argentine Congress Passes Massive Reform Bill


The Congress of Argentina passed President Javier Milei’s omnibus bill on Thursday evening, paving the way for sweeping reforms to the Argentine state.

Thursday’s Congressional session, which lasted more than 12 hours, saw the members of Argentina’s Chamber of Deputies cast the final vote required on the bill’s final details after the Argentine Senate voted to approve the bill on June 12. The bill had the support of 147 deputies against 107 who voted to reject it. Two lawmakers abstained from voting. more

10 Comments on Big Victory for Javier Milei: Argentine Congress Passes Massive Reform Bill

  1. @General Malaise — It’ll happen here, too, under a Trump presidency. Argentina’s inflation rate reduced by more than 20% just from December to May, under Milei’s watch. Pretty amazing and encouraging what proper economic policies can accomplish. When Trump says we can turn things around faster than we think possible, he’s not whistling Dixie. And this next time around, Trump is under no obligation to play footsies with the establishment GOP-ers who, last time, head-faked his/us with their fake friendships and support.

  2. His speech posed yesterday was brilliant. I’ve had severe allergies this last week and have alternated between gardening and laying around and have had the luxury of watching some stuff I might have passed on and that was well worth watching.

  3. @General Malaise — Indeed I am of great faith! How in Heaven’s name do we even have the opportunity to vote for him again! That, alone, is a miracle!


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