Bilbo Moneybaggins and other thoughts – IOTW Report

Bilbo Moneybaggins and other thoughts

Patriot Retort: I want to give a hat tip to Kurt Schlichter for the image idea. In his column today, Kurt referred to Mike Bloomberg as “Frodo Moneybags.”  

I liked it, but I thought Moneybaggins was better.  And since Bilbo is the main character in the Hobbit, I changed it to Bilbo Moneybaggins.

But still.  Hat tip, Kurt Schlichter for the idea.

Any old how.

Kurt’s column “You Bernie Suckers Are Going to Get Fooled Again” is pretty much what a lot of you guys have been saying – Bernie will fall in line with the Establishment and let Bilbo Moneybaggins secure the nomination.

[Or the “gnome-ination” as Kurt likes to put it.]

Here’s a bit from Kurt’s column (but you’ll want to read the whole thing):

Here’s how it’s going to go: Because you are stupid – you support a socialist, so you are presumptively stupid – you think that if you work really hard and win the votes the establishment creeps who own the Democratic Party are going to let you have a say. But, like last time, you won’t get a say. You’ll work real hard – maybe if you worked really hard at actual jobs you wouldn’t be half-wit socialists – and you’ll win the votes, and all your dreams will die as you end up with the nomination going to a malignant midget multi-zillionaire.

See, while Bilbo Moneybaggins might have faced a barrage of attacks at last night’s debate, the Establishment really doesn’t have any choice here.  It’s either Bernie or the Hobbit.

And they would much rather have the Hobbit.  Especially when you consider that the Democrat Party is heavily dependent on Wall Street and big-money donors all of whom loathe Sanders and Warren.

The DNC can’t alienate these people.  That’s just a fact.

And right now the only candidate who gives those High Dollar Donors a happy is Bilbo Moneybaggins.

The networks and cable news will fall in line.

In fact, and forgive me for sharing a Media Matters graphic, in their post-debate commentary, today’s network morning shows mentioned Bloomberg more than the other five candidates – combined. See more here

8 Comments on Bilbo Moneybaggins and other thoughts

  1. The truly sad part of the “debate” was that Dildo Moneybaggins was the only one who made even the remotest of sense.
    Ever been the only sober guy among a bunch of drunken, doped up guys? THAT was Bloomberg!
    And I’m NOT defending him – he’s more dangerous than the others BECAUSE he’s sober.

    izlamo delenda est …


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