Bill and Hillary Booed in NY at Billy Joel Concert – IOTW Report

Bill and Hillary Booed in NY at Billy Joel Concert

Billy Joel introduced his “good friends” at his Madison Square Garden concert, Bill and Hillary.

Initial cheers drowned out the boos, but when the sycophants ran out of gas, the long sustained boos were obvious.

For the record, I can’t stand Billy Joel, both as a person and an artist. I find him to be cheesy and unabashedly derivative, and extremely smug. And I like him 50 times more than the Clintons.


23 Comments on Bill and Hillary Booed in NY at Billy Joel Concert

  1. Wow!
    When you WERE a democrap idol and you’ve lost Billy Joel fans in NYC you are crashing toward rock bottom.
    This puts into perspective the attitude shift in America.
    Epstein’s island is being exposed.
    The revelations of the Russia hoax are getting out into the public eye.
    CNN and MSNBC ratings crashing. Nobody watches broadcast news any more.
    Trump is playing this perfectly.
    By the time the hammer falls on the treasonous bastards most of America will be ready and waiting for it.
    It should be fun to watch!
    Make sure you are stocked-up on popcorn…and pichforks, rope and ammo just in case…

  2. The sad thing is that the more these entertainers TALK, the less I can listen to them SING or ACT.

    It Took years for me to build a very high end home theater & concert room for my family but as these LEFT WING artists continue to flap their misinformed opinions I find there is less & less that I can watch without my feelings about their lefty politics clouding the concert experience.

    Billy Joel: Divorced 3 times, not a new song worth listening to in 2 decades, shouting out to the most corrupt secretary of state ever and her perv rapist carney husband.

    What exactly is he an expert in? He has no idea what anything costs to a normal American/Canadian family as they pay for all of the lefty free shit.

  3. Good to see the Grifters publicly shamed.
    Lazlo does not judge a painting by the politics of the artist.
    But I also do not subject myself to their ramblings.
    I am past my ‘going to concerts’ days because I don’t like crowds.
    I also don’t like some guy who may write and play good songs to tell me how to live.
    However I hear Billy Joel has his staff go and get people in the nosebleed seats and put them in any unsold front row seats.
    If they sat me next to the Clintons, I would say no thank you.
    Unless I had eaten a dinner of beans and hard boiled eggs, and was facing a momentous and remarkable gas episode

  4. Bill and Hill appearing together.

    Yeah, that happy couple dancing on the beach…

    Trying to make him look like he is satisfied with Hill.

    Couldn’t be a ped…

  5. I was never a big Billy Joel fan, but in the last 5 years I’ve seen him twice and had a real good time. He has gotten the last dollar from me now. I’ve listened to that video a couple times and I’m having a hard time picking out the boo’s over the other noise.

  6. What’s the matter with the crowd I’m seeing?

    “Can’t you tell that their old and white? ”

    Maybe I should steal some Haitian Dollars?

    “Welcome back to the Clinton Hive.

    Where have you been hidin’ out lately, honey?

    You can’t shake the smell of that Epstein money.”

    Everybody’s talkin’ ’bout the new sound

    Funny, but they’re still Cockroaches to me

  7. After hillary clinton’s treason exposed, bill’s under-age perv activities exposed, how is it a bright guy like Billy would announce to the world that these two creepy criminals are his good friends?

    Liberalism is a mental disorder.

  8. Yeah, for every old good or decent BJ song there is a cringeworthy newer one.

    First major concert I saw in ’83 was at the Garden. Never saw him after that.

    Great song, Goodnight Saigon and A Salute to those that served in that shithole.:

    The Stranger is a dam good album btw.

    Now when I hear him on the radio, I’ll have to toon off along with Springsteen, another one.


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