Bill and Hillary Skate Again – IOTW Report

Bill and Hillary Skate Again

The Right Scoop-

I guess the DOJ taking the FBI’s recommendation only happens if the recommendation is NOT to press charges on Clinton.

If the recommendation is to investigate Hillary’s foundation, well that’s just no good:

Justice Department officials decided against an investigation into the Clinton Foundation after the FBI requested the agency open a case into allegations of corruption stemming from Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state.

But the Justice Department’s public integrity unit declined to pursue the probe given what it characterized as insufficient evidence, according to a CNN report Wednesday.

I’m so sick of this hack administration. Hillary is corrupt and her acolytes are protecting her.

As Mark Levin said tonight, the inmates are running the asylum!



14 Comments on Bill and Hillary Skate Again

  1. They toss the responsibility to root out corruption around like it’s a red hot coal. Nobody wants to handle it.

    And if she can’t be tried twice, as per the constitution, let’s wait and let Trump run her corrupt ass through the ringer for good.

  2. Mark Twain wrote that “There is no distinctly native American criminal class save Congress.”

    Well that has certainly changed. It’s as if the entire federal government is just one giant criminal enterprise. It may be like the hydra, cut off one head and two more pop up.

  3. There isn’t a single, federal department in DC that would dare open its own investigation of the foundation. And there are at least several that could, e.g Treasury, Homeland Security, just off the top of my head. Inspectors General? Uh hu.

  4. Gun owner ship is up a bazillion percent. Militia member ship is up 39% in the last year. Tactical ranges/training are booked solid. And crap like this is why. They no longer even try and hide it the corruption from us. When Trump days “maybe the 2A guys can do something about it”. That wasn’t against Hillary, it was against the entire damn Federal Government.

  5. When you have dipshit Trump doing everything he can to divert attention to his stupid shit statements on days when the attention would otherwise possibly be focused on Hillary escapades yes Crooked Hillary and Perverted Bill get away with their criminality.
    I am so fucking fed up with Trump. I was on board the Trump train … until now. I thought Trump could really clean up Washington. I am now convinced he is either stupid or deliberately helping Hillary. The shithead mother fucker. Shut your fucking mouth dipshit.

  6. I will not vote for Hillary. Not if you put a gun to my head. But I am tired of dipshit Trump saying something ever stupider than the day before. He is throwing off votes every time he opens his stupid mouth.

  7. No one who is informed is even mildly shocked at the breadth and depth of government corruption in this country. We’ve known of the high crimes and misdemeanors for decades — particularly for the past 8 years. If you even know a little bit about the two party’s infrastructure and “rules”, you know who has been choosing our presidents for us and how (and why). It’s just that now they are at the point where they have nothing left to lose.

    @Joe — Don’t fall prey to Trump Derangement Syndrome. There is nothing wrong with his comments. They are like nuclear missiles locked on their targets. And he is not shedding votes as you say. He is galvanizing the resolve of his voters and gathering more and more each day. This election won’t even be close.

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