Bill and Melinda Gates Announce Divorce, Seems There Was No Prenup – IOTW Report

Bill and Melinda Gates Announce Divorce, Seems There Was No Prenup

Fox News

Tech pioneer Bill Gates and his wife Melinda, who announced their split after 27-years of marriage today, seemingly have no prenup agreement set up.

News of their divorce surprised many, and, as is often the case with high-profile and wealthy couples, the public immediately began to speculate over the financial implications of the divorce.

According to court documents obtained by TMZ, the two have no prenup in place.

The outlet reports that their court filing mentions the divorce only in their separation agreement. More

33 Comments on Bill and Melinda Gates Announce Divorce, Seems There Was No Prenup

  1. Bill Gates is an extremely wealthy fool. That’s about all I can say about the guy. And being that this is Wash. state they live in and since it’s a joint property state she’s entitled to half of his billions of dollars fortune. Good luck fool, you just made her one of the wealthiest and homeliest women in the world. Paul Allen, who cofounded Microsoft with him was no where near the jerk that he is. At least he did something with his fortune. And Bill, the old adage is true You can’t take it with you.

  2. I read he was stepping out once a year for a long weekend with an old girlfriend. And wifey was ok with it. These are the breed of people who blather about morality and human decency?

  3. After 27 years, a prenup would be meaningless anyway.

    I get why Bezos eighty-sixed his wife, kinda, mid-fifties, he still has some lead in his pencil, but Bill is late sixties, pretty grandiose if you ask me.

  4. I read that the couple asked the public to give them “some space.”
    Fine. I’ll honor your request. Now, please honor mine by staying the hell out of my life and stop telling me what I should or shouldn’t do. I’ll never know why this guy thinks that just because he invented the world’s crappiest operating system, he has the right to dictate to me.

  5. Open marriages almost always end in failure. Why would you want to share your spouse with a stranger? I don’t care who you are or how rich or attractive you are, open marriage is a dumb idea and a moral trap that will destroy your marriage. And don’t these two extremely wealthy buffoons also have kids who may resent the hell out of them for their betrayal of their marriage vows?

  6. All the money in the world can’t buy anyone, common sense, basic human decency, and what used to be called class.

    Billy G never impressed me.
    He reminded me of the nerds seated in the front row my AP classes; we used to nail them in the back of the head with Milk Duds when the teacher wasn’t looking. Teacher approved, he just couldn’t play along.

    I owned 15+ Apple computers in my 30 years of running my business. Used to laugh at how primitive and useless Microsoft products were.


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