Bill Barr Doesn’t Expect To Go After Obama Or Biden – IOTW Report

Bill Barr Doesn’t Expect To Go After Obama Or Biden

Katie Pavlich Townhall

Barr Pours Cold Water on Criminal Charges for Obama and Biden, But Leaves Room for Others.

Speaking from the Department of Justice Monday morning, Attorney General Bill Barr poured cold water on the idea of a criminal investigation into former President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.

“As to President Obama and Vice President Biden, whatever their level of involvement based on the information I have today, I don’t expect Mr. Durham’s work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man. Our concern over potential criminality is focused on others,” Barr said. More

26 Comments on Bill Barr Doesn’t Expect To Go After Obama Or Biden

  1. i have rethought his comment and come to this conclusion

    when playing chess you don’t attack the king in your first moves

    Barr seems to couch his words carefully

    no civil charges but doesn’t rule out military charges

    treason is a military matter

    i’m willing to see how this plays out

    DJT hasn’t let me down yet

  2. it’s clear as a bell what he said ….
    “… based on the information I have today, I don’t expect Mr. Durham’s work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man.”

    get it? … he doesn’t see indictments of these 2 criminals in Durham’s work … Durham is limited in his scope … something we knew all along

    … relax & let the Donald take care of business

  3. Obama is the Teflon-Don he will NEVER be held accountable for any of his actions ever! And why can I say this with 1000% assurance and accuracy? Because we were never permitted to see something as simple as his medical records, school records, or his real birth certificate. If they can keep those things under tight lock and key he himself is utterly untouchable.

  4. @bill and ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ make good points.
    Durham’s scope is limited. But whatever he finds can be used to start up further investigations, including the military courts.

  5. Barr may be doing a “Head Fake”, like a wide receiver breaking open to catch a long touchdown pass. As the lower fruit on the “Progressive Coup Tree” get plucked, then scream to the “High Heavens” to get a reduced prison sentence, thusly incriminating both Obumbles & Biden His Own Ass, at this point these two will be indicted & hopefully serve their remaining days in GITMO. Of course “Old Joe” just may up & croak from the mental pressure before his trial.

  6. AG Barr appointed U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Jensen, not Durham, to look into the prosecution of General Flynn. Maybe that’s significant, maybe not.

    John Durham is looking into the Russia probe.

  7. @Bill – YOU are correct Sir, I’ve posted a couple times here at iOTW about the notion of treason and this being adjudicated by a military tribunal, because the DOJ can get the IBF, corrupt DOJ, but not the former Choomer as this would be of a military level, the most neutral entity we have at this point.

    @Abigail Adams – to keep the dogs at bay, THATS why! To show neutrality as much as he can for the Fourth Estate to report on and the libs and leftists to rage on.

    @ ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ – ‘… relax & let the Donald take care of business’. B-I-N-G-O.

    @ Marco – I agree and because I know DJT well enough at this point I will continue be patient.

    Lastly? He said, the man said, he does not have….now…?

    Hint: He has yet to hear from the co-conspirators that WILL make deals. Watch and yes be patient, we all have waited this long we only have a few more months…

  8. To Professor Lazlo, how about a finely ground with a mortar and pestle??

    That’s ‘in my kitchen’, or lab, for grinding down Liberals and Leftists into very small particles.

  9. I’ll hold my fire for now but if those two pieces of trash skate I expect a comprehensive list of rules, regulations and laws I don’t have to follow or obey.

  10. Oh, bloody hell! Quit huffing the unicorn farts! All of you!

    How many years (absolute maximum… especially you Constitution under glass lickers) does Trump have left?

    How long will it take… absolute, bare minimum… for the show trials to start? Run? (Maybe you should look at, this, the current year’s, show trials.)

    Show of hands… No! I will not smell your fingers! How many swear to their invisible pink unicorns, that whoever, of whatever uniparty, must follow Trump, won’t have a Gerald Ford moment? For the Good™ of the United States? To let everyone work together? To get out of this totally unforeseen, totally unpredictable, financial collapse? (No! Damn it! Not like the one we just had! Barely a decade ago!)

    The Rule of Law™ clock’s already been run out. Even if the players are still on the field. The game’s already over!

    (Which is, also, a totally unforeseen, totally unpredictable, happenstance.)

  11. I fear Barr is cut from the same cloth as Boehner, and he is living in another time, where tradition means something.

    Tradition means nothing anymore. Only raw power does.

  12. @ bill MAY 19, 2020 AT 5:48 PM

    In the game of chess, the game ends with check mate. Not the capture of the King. For an Obama that is as good as throwing the bastard in prison. He is incapable of the old adage of when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

  13. I’m hoping Barr’s comments are tactically aimed at lulling Greezy Joe and the Kenyan Communist Cocksucker Mohammedan into a false sense of security.

    There’s an old Chink proverb: “slowly, slowly, catchee monkey”


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