Bill Burr Rips Into Socialists Wanting 70% Marginal Tax At $10 Million – IOTW Report

Bill Burr Rips Into Socialists Wanting 70% Marginal Tax At $10 Million

Recently, comedian Bill Burr was answering questions from his podcast listeners when he came across one doofus who thought it completely reasonable to nearly confiscate all the wealth from anyone who makes over $10 million. Burr’s 17-minute tirade against government theft hits on many reasons why it’s not just impractical but immoral and evil for any society to practice such evil.

Language Warning: numerous profanities. Watch

13 Comments on Bill Burr Rips Into Socialists Wanting 70% Marginal Tax At $10 Million

  1. If I was King…….I would charge a 100% tax. Then I would refund 90% to the right thinking people and refund nothing to the socialists, liberals, leftists, democrats.

  2. I’m 5 minutes in and not once has he used the words socialism or communism, but blames corporations. So far, his tirade is as useless (due to lack of correct focus) as it is profane.

  3. Sorry, half right is still not a passing grade.

    I listened up until the point at which he exalted Bernie Sanders and said that Hillary lost to an orange fu’ing c’nt.

  4. Janitor. Ditto. But he seems to have a better grasp of economics than the economics major from Boston University, AOC.
    Vulgarity overkill. But I like him.

  5. Not the first time a comedian ripped the whole redistribution canard, Dennis Miller did it several times in the past, and way better. Bill needs to learn that time honored concept in comedy, emphasis and punctuation. Much like the left’s bastardized version of racism, when everything is deserving of an f bomb, nothing is deserving of an f bomb.

    OT, I am so sick and tired of incumbent presidents dolling out Presidential Medal of Freedom awards to all their best buddies. Trump did it yesterday to his golf buddy Tiger Woods, what a joke.

    When a civilian does something particularly heroic, egalitarian or altruistic resulting in a clear articulable benefit to society, absolutely. But lately it has been used to quid pro quo for celebrity donors of goofy VP’s.

  6. Bernie Sanders stands up to corporations?
    Trump is an orange haired (whatever)?
    Burr forgot only two things. His tin foil hat and an intelligent vocabulary.

  7. I was going to listen after work, and with a cold beer alongside me. Now that I’ve seen these comments I think I’ll pass and save myself the aggravation.

  8. I don’t know of a single capitalist that would work hard enough to make 10 mill. only to give 7 of it to the government.
    The little detail they always leave out, the human (‘F’ you!) element.

  9. I see a lot of comments pointing out Burr being on the wrong track by going after corporations. I don’t think he’s completely wrong there, we have all seen a number of them manipulating government to the advantage of those who control the organization to the point of unfair trade, cronyism, subsides for products or services none of us want or need, open borders, government healthcare and more recently the effort to silence those who question and oppose the ruling class.

    I understand better after listening to him why some people throw up their hands in mutual hatred of corporations and vote the pox of Bernie Sanders on everyone, including themselves.

    What I liked about the recording is Burr’s fundamental understanding that socialism is nothing more than theft from the successful by bribing the envious to destroy those they are jealous of, even if it means everyone but the party members are made worse off.


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