Bill Clinton Still Silent About His Flights On The Lolita Express – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton Still Silent About His Flights On The Lolita Express

Daily Caller: Former President Bill Clinton continues to remain silent about the 26 flights he took aboard convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet, dubbed the “Lolita Express,” which reportedly offered underage girls to passengers to rape.

Fox News wrote in 2016 that the Lolita Express, a Boeing 727 jet, was “reportedly outfitted with a bed where passengers had group sex with young girls.”

Clinton flew on some trips where the flight logs showed only the first names of female passengers.


The Daily Caller News Foundation contacted the Clinton Presidential Library last week to obtain information about the former president’s relationship with billionaire Epstein, who in 2008 was convicted of soliciting sex from underage girls as young as 14.

At the time of the request, the Clinton Presidential Library was preparing to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Clinton’s 1992 presidential win. It was attended by a small army of Clinton loyalists. read more

11 Comments on Bill Clinton Still Silent About His Flights On The Lolita Express

  1. Bill always wanted to mimic the sexploits of his hero Jack Kennedy. The problem is that Kennedy was a suave and charming man whom women were drawn to, like starlettes etc.

    Bill had to settle for women who had to wear corrective shoes.


    The sickness and perversion is SO DEEP, we will be discovering more evidence DECADES after they are long dead.

    Ever see that video of all the people silenced, intimidated, locked up on bullshit charges in ARKANSAS exposing Bill’s deeds, cocaine drops? It’s on Youtube somewhere: “Bill Clinton expose / true story” something like that.

  3. @HAP

    I rather have the hidden camera videos of Bill Clinton and the underage prostitutions on the island come to light. The Clintons are so dirty and compromised. II suspect there is an endless supply of material to blackmail them.

    Thank God HRC lost. They need stakes hammered through their dark hearts.

  4. I’m sure the “restitution ” Epstein had to pay the 30 underage girls came with strings attached; either a non-disclosure agreement or (more likely) death threats. I long ago came to the conclusion that the Clintons (all of them) will not see justice in this life.

  5. Of course Bubba will stay mum. But why are the fake news networks not hammered daily with their malfeasance on this and other issues??

    Did David Cassidy ever boink a 14y/o groupie? I could care less, but Bubba’s dirty laundry should be hanging from every flagpole, for cripes sake.

    Paging Sarah Sanders! Will Jeff Sessions finally exit the mens’ room, please.

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