Bill Clinton Tells Sanders Supporters They’ll be ‘Toast’ by Election Day – IOTW Report

Bill Clinton Tells Sanders Supporters They’ll be ‘Toast’ by Election Day

TH: Bill Clinton echoed his wife’s arrogant rhetoric toward Bernie Sanders and his legion of fans on Sunday during a campaign stop in East Los Angeles. When Sanders supporters started heckling the former president, he dismissed them by telling them they will be “toast” come Election Day. Fox News reporter Fin Gomez was in attendance and caught the exchange.

What was all that talk about unity Hillary was going on about last week?

She intends to reach out to the millennials who feel the Bern, she said. Of course, that was after she implied those voters were being brainwashed by Sanders’ lofty proposals and when she confidently told CNN’s Chris Cuomo there is “no way” she won’t be the Democratic nominee.

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6 Comments on Bill Clinton Tells Sanders Supporters They’ll be ‘Toast’ by Election Day

  1. I’d love to see the expression on Bill’s face (and the frying pan in Hillary’s hand) if all the “Toast” decided on an independent run at the big seat. I guess nobody ever told the Clinton’s they ought to be magnanimous in winning.

  2. “Is Bill telling them they’ll be going for David French?

    Hard to say. Could be French Toast, could be Bernt Toast. Although most Bernie Bros look French-Fried. So confusing. I’ll just have the Trump Tower Taco bowl. They’re the best.

  3. This shit is getting so old that I am actually supporting Bernie.

    It would be soooooo satifying, like eating milk chocolate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, to see Hillary lose the nomination.

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