DC: Former President Bill Clinton ridiculed Barack Obama on Monday calling for people to get to a “point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us.”
During a campaign rally in Spokane, Washington, the former president said that Hillary is “the only person who basically has good ideas, will tell you how she’s going to pay for them, can be commander-in-chief, and is a proven change maker with Republicans and Democrats and independents alike.” more
Wow, that pic – The Walking Dead.
That certainly won’t happen by electing Hellery.
He is still pissed off that Obama never brought him his coffee. It is a Democrat thing…
He knows Hillary’s going down. Nothing to lose.
Bill looked healthier when he was eating at McDonalds.
Couldn’t happen to more deserving psychopath. He looks worse then Rock Hudson.
If Hitlery gets elected way may refer to the Ovomit years as “The Good Ole Days”.
Sure Slick sure, you made an ass out of yourself at Spokane Falls Comm. College (where my daughter teaches pre school kids) yesterday hiding behind a podium that says, “Working for us.” How come you drew a rather small crowd here in Eastern Wash. when crazy Bernie drew 10,000 or so downtown at the Convention Center Sunday night. I don’t understand that either or you for that matter, you sure as Hell didn’t work for us when you were President and neither will your harridan and harpy wife.
Are we now sure that Bubba didn’t swing both ways and encounter a little bug called AIDs?
“Let’s put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us. Elect my wife so she can turn it into an even more awful legacy extending four to eight years more!”
In other words, it’s like the rapist calling the molester a predator.
“calling for people to get to a “point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us.”
Well, that’s one-in-a-row we can both agree on.
And. . . . then he slipped back into his dementia.
If you wait long enough the truth will finally slip out even from a worthless lying bastard!
Bill must have found out that Obama is allowing Hillary to be indicted.
Alzheimers is setting in. He thinks this is the 2008 campaign.
Let’s see how he tries to walk that one back.
I bet Bill wishes he had followed through on what looks like a backhand smack, in that photo.
It would be quite an accomplishment but should Hillary be elected it’s possible that the legacy of a Hillary presidency would be so awful the awful legacy of the Obama presidency would be behind us.
I’ve never seen Obama as particularly corrupt. He’s just a constant liar, not that bright, and bitterly clings to his love of dictators & his hatred of America.
Hillary on the other hand is as cruel, cold-blooded & corrupt as they come. Building on Obama’s legacy she would have a shot at being worse. As hard as that is to imagine.
As always America is strong enough to survive Obama. But she may not be strong enough to survive the people who voted for him who would also vote for Hillary or Bernie. Isn’t that the goal of open borders, and the leftist indoctrination in our education system?
Billy Bob doesn’t want little cotton picking Barry to be listed below him on the Presidential sleaze meter!
Hillary will intentionally do more damage to our country in 4 years than ocommie did in 8 years because of incompetence.
I see Bill has been workin out, not. Gees,my 13 year old granddaughter has bigger arms.
Bill is starting to look like the other Bill : Ayers. They have a lot in common.
I thought that was Skeletor at first. There is something seriously wrong with Mr. Clinton.
Looks like there is now someone on the planet who can curl less weight than Obama. No wonder Bill has to go to Pedo island. He’s not man enough for anyone over the age of 12