Bill Cosby Found Guilty in Sexual Assault Retrial – IOTW Report

Bill Cosby Found Guilty in Sexual Assault Retrial

The first trial ended in a mistrial. This one didn’t. He was found guilty of 3 counts of “indecent assault.”

It’ll be interesting to see the sentencing. Do you think he’ll go to prison?

ht/ Dr. Tar

36 Comments on Bill Cosby Found Guilty in Sexual Assault Retrial

  1. didn’t the news say he was blind? they won’t put a blind old black man in jail. especially bill that everyone said back in the day–he’s Americas dad when he was on the tvee.. oh well not my problem.. 🙂

  2. “Do you think he’ll go to prison?”

    I expect a literal lynching. To go with the legal lynching.

    Can’t have no buck stealin’ ow wymyns’ vert-two! Our honest, naïve, Goddess fearin’, no baby killin’, vert-two-ous wymyns. #MeToo

  3. And just like that, after months of not hearing anything about Bill Cosby, the verdict is handed down.

    Funny how this happened only a few short days after Kanye West, like Cosby, made comments that went against the Left.

  4. Will he go to prison? don’t know. Should he? you bet. There are other blind lifers in prison, Pelican Bay has lots of solitary cells, they can protect him.

    He raped over 60 women, I would like to see a class action lawsuit filed by all the victims where he looses everything, spending the rest of his miserable life living in a one bedroom apartment eating cat food out of a can.

  5. That’s a hell of a note, just as he was turning his life around.

    Will the papers put in the obligatory: He was an Aspiring rapper who was planning to to get his GED…. er, I meant aspiring raper?

  6. What is “indecent assault?” Is there a “decent assault,” and if so could Cosby have claimed “no, this was a decent assault and therefore legal”?

  7. In the entertainment world there are two people, the person the public believes they are and then the people they really are.
    Mr. Nice Guy Cosby was a filthy low down perverted rapist.

  8. Was watching the press conference on CNN (because I WON’T
    watch Shimp Smith). While the press conference was going on on the left side of the screen, they were showing stills of Coz on the right; Coz at a college graduation, etc. Then a photo of a smiling Bill Cosby hugging a smiling George W. Bush! So subtle! What, no photos available of Coz with Barry Obozo or Hillary? I found them in about 3 seconds via Google (before they block them).

  9. Remember the case about a year ago where the Bosnian “war criminal” drank poison in the court room? Would Cosby do something like that? Or will he flee the country as the prosecutor said?

  10. Being a big time celebrity and all, women would have willing fucked him. But he is a coward, a pussy, and probably a misogynist who needed to exert power unnecessary for the task at hand. And why is he allowed to go home and not sitting in a dark cold stinky cell right now?

  11. Let’s be honest here. Every word that is alleged about him could be true, but what this is really about is Cosby went off the plantation and started correcting black society, or trying to. That’s when the media bullseye got put on his back. He needed to be silenced and they have.

  12. It has STILL not been mentioned in the media that all but a couple of the women he drugged and raped were white.

    If the races were reversed, Cosby would have been destroyed long ago.

  13. “extirpates APRIL 26, 2018 AT 2:32 PM
    Let’s have another trial and take the best two out of three!”

    We have a winner! The appeals process will now begin. The correct question should be how many years before a final verdict and actual sentencing if found guilty in the final trial…???

  14. grool – Yup!
    That can’t be proven in court, but with the exception of Weinstain, let´s just see how hard they are on all those democRAT #me2 pervs that just happened to be about 99% all democRATs!! I’m pretty sure that old chestnut called the democRAT Double Standard will be hauled back out of their anxiety closet and put into plat once again!

  15. Most of the women’s stories I had read indicated they were in a consensual relationship with him until they didn’t want him speaking the truth about the black culture.
    One had enjoyed being flown around the country while knowing he was drugging her.
    Another was laying on the couch with him very intimately, but wasn’t willing to go all the way (knowing he was married – then why lay on the couch with him???).
    So many others were similar stories, they knew, they didn’t mind, because they enjoyed the perks that went along with it.
    Is he a pig, absolutely. Is he guilty of rape/sexual assault – you can’t rape/sexually assault the willing.
    And every woman’s story I read, they were willing.
    Besides, when you are rich and famous there are women who will let you do anything you want, even grab them by the pussy.
    Loose women have been proving that statement to be true for many thousands of years.

  16. I just don’t get it. He was young, talented and famous and I’m sure there were a lot of willing women milling around him. Why did he have to steal the honor of women who came to him for advice? What a prick. I hope they throw the book at him.

  17. @Mentou – while I don’t doubt there were many women who willingly had affairs with Cosby (in fact, NBC had one person devoted to keeping Cosby well supplied with willing women) I have read the stories of the 50 women who filed action against him only to have the cases not acted upon until the statute of limitations expired. One was a family friend – very light skinned – who never thought Cosby would drug and rape her. It seems that he reserved his drugging and raping for the white and near-white women.

  18. I liked his humor, so I bought his records. He made me laugh.
    But I never got any closer to him than about 20-25 feet away.
    If all those women had followed my example, they wouldn’t have had any problems.

    Just sayin’.

  19. In the 60’s he had a TeeVee show where he played a High School Coach. They filmed a segment of his show in my HS gym, so a few of us sat in the stands and watched while they filmed. The guy was a complete asshole off camera. At least that week he was.

  20. Cosby is a narcissistic pervert extraordinaire and has more than likely done exactly what some of these women have said he did. However, most if not all of these women chose to associate with him, so not sympathetic to their cause – tired of listen to them whine. Besides, most if not all of these “victims” are leftist harpies with an agenda to persecute a right leaning black celeb, especially a black celeb with serious deviant behavior issues – easy target.

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