Bill De Blasio Warns: NYC Beachgoers Will Be ‘Taken Right out of the Water’ – IOTW Report

Bill De Blasio Warns: NYC Beachgoers Will Be ‘Taken Right out of the Water’

What if you’re 6 feet apart??

(This is what you get when you scratch a lefty. Underneath their veneer of totalitarianism is another level of even worse totalitarianism.)


New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) on Monday warned people who attempt to swim at the city’s public beaches Memorial Day weekend will be removed from the water as part of an effort to combat further spreading of the Chinese coronavirus.

De Blasio said that New York City will begin installing fencing along the city’s beaches and asked residents to avoid large gatherings, and playing sports. Lifeguards will also be prohibited from being on duty.


ht/ jerry manderin

25 Comments on Bill De Blasio Warns: NYC Beachgoers Will Be ‘Taken Right out of the Water’

  1. Meanwhile, Saturday in L.A.:
    “Just now, south of Venice Pier. Three mounted LAPD officers, looking south toward a beach full of sunbathers, which is against @MayorOfLA’s order. “Have you given any citations?” I ask. Cop laughs. “No. That would be unconstitutional. Like forcing people to wear masks.”
    “This is the second officer who has told me point blank that they will NOT be issuing any citations for violating the mayor’s orders. What’s the point of the order, in that case? Theoretically, comes with a $1,000 fine, 6 months in jail, or both.”
    Exactly. I am going out sans mask, don’t expect to be harassed by cops, only by Karens. But I will stand up for my constitutional rights if necessary.

  2. How many NYC deaths is de Blasio’s poor decision making directly responsible for??? From the subways to nursing homes…. How many?!?!
    He needs to be removed from office with that other buffoon Cuomo.

  3. Can’t wait for all those sweltering New Yorkers to assert their New York attitude when they see those fences. His Horror, the Worst Mayor in the history of the five boroughs that comprise New York City, is about to have his commie ass handed to him by his constituents.

  4. What next? Placing baracades aroung the open air monuments in DC? Flying a sheet attached to helicopters over Mt. Rushmore so people can’t see the Presidents (I looked for the original post of the image by Mr. Pinko. Couldn’t find it)?

  5. With all the heavy gear cops wear, it’d be a shame of one of them going after those evil and nasty criminal swimmers should trip, get waterlogged, and couldn’t get his head above water. A real shame, that would be.

  6. I wish to remind everyone that ‘Bill deBlasio’ was the friendly name this jackbooted thug chose for himself.
    Birth name?

    Warren wilhelm. Kinda gots a Nazi sound to it. Fits like a glove.

  7. do you think a NYC cop would get his shoes wet following an order from this impotent douche. Even the gangbangers that infiltrated the force re laughing at him

  8. “You, out there swimming by yourself!… You are hereby ordered to get out of the water, go to the nearest packed subway, and go back to your crowded apartment building!… It’s for your own good!!!”

  9. In all likelihood, this is/can be, a real turning point in American history.

    Some have been incarcerated and they deserve a ‘go fund me’ assist.

    The rest of us need to be ready to jump into the fray. I believe this is a real test of push comes to shove.

    I am more than ready to push a truck down their throat and shove a locomotive up their ass….both running and blaring their horns.

  10. Listen, if you were married to a black bisexual midget, you’d be ornery too.

    To pull the swimmers out of the water, the Mayor has hired an army of Planned Parenthood abortion doctors. Easy Peasy.


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