Bill Gates Lets It Slip, Reveals Trick To Bypass The Regulators When Changing The Code In mRNA Jabs – IOTW Report

Bill Gates Lets It Slip, Reveals Trick To Bypass The Regulators When Changing The Code In mRNA Jabs

“…and this, probably they don’t like to say, but probably below $5 at this point.”

Bill Gates is not a scientist.
Bill Gates is not a doctor.

Bill Gates is a globalist who believes in depopulation if you believe he meant what he said “We’ve got population now the world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent,” at his Ted Talk in 2010.

Now just recently, Bill said the quiet part out loud again in the video clip. more

15 Comments on Bill Gates Lets It Slip, Reveals Trick To Bypass The Regulators When Changing The Code In mRNA Jabs

  1. Would you, today, buy/lease/rent or pay a recurring license fee for an ever-changing (upgrade) OS from this greedy neo-Globalist now, post COVID?

    Thanks, for Microsoft. But, you took a wrong turn somewhere down the way.

    BTW, how’s your farmland “investments” doing?…Ever hand-worked a garden in your life?

  2. It’s way past time to start taking out these commie SOME BITCHES that are trying to kill us off!

    I’m already old and in constant pain so BRING IT ON M…FUC.RS. If you have the guts It’m ready to dance!

    I Have Not, and Will Not take your lethal concoction you slimy little cockbite!

  3. Guessing it’s just me. But I’m 128% in favor of Gate’s “plan”. I know I disagree with who he’ll “do”. But that still leaves less mop up. For “us”.

  4. The non-doctor non-scientist globalist wanna-be Bill Gates and his sloppy fat-azz wife and friends/politicians are nothing more than pedophiles who also run women.

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