Bill Kristol Says Lazy White People Should Be Replaced By Immigrants – IOTW Report

Bill Kristol Says Lazy White People Should Be Replaced By Immigrants

He says it’s the same old story since our founding – 3 or 4 generations of hard work breeds spoiled, lazy white people that should be supplanted by hardworking immigrants.

Uh huh, you giant, pot-bellied moron.

At what point in our history did we have a welfare state when waves of energetic immigrants came in to replace our “lazy” white people?

When did we have non-white immigrants?


ht/ jerry manderin

27 Comments on Bill Kristol Says Lazy White People Should Be Replaced By Immigrants

  1. Hey, Billy boy! You see all those third, fourth and twelfth generation white people, that got out of their La-Z-Boys to meet your virile invaders in the streets? Those are the… what?… oh… never mind.

  2. I heard Google complaining that President Trump’s temporary travel ban from ONLY 7 countries was impacting their company because about 50% of their workforce were foreign visa workers,

    For heaven’s sake, no wonder our snowflakes can’t get jobs and live with their parents!

  3. The majority of the lazy white people I see are the sort such as this: college students protesting not letting immigrants in to work for companies who prefer these Visa holders because they are cheap labor who lack freedom of movement–they can’t quit easily no matter the appalling work conditions. But the college students have no idea the real reason companies push for the imported workers and love to throw around words such as “xenophobia” and “Nazi.” That’s the extent of their reading and the only paid work they’ve done is wave protest signs for some bucks, throw it on the ground for someone else to clean up and then go back home to mama’s basement.

  4. When i worked in a restaurant with a girl who overstayed her visa illegally she told me white people were lazy…..i freaked out on her…..she also was part of a first time home buyers scam in 2008. Her friend in real estate filed false paperwork to collect the 8,000 and she got 1/2 deposited into her bank account. So i saw first hand an illegal stealing our $$$.

  5. I don’t know which is worse: Guys like Kristol who spew their bile honestly, or guys like Eric Erickson who maneuver and dissemble, waiting for the right moment to backstab.

  6. He was great in “Curly’s Gold” …

    Too bad somebody isn’t writing better shit for him to read.

    “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I agree with Kristol in part. As Lisl points out college leftists are very lazy, as are leftists who work in cushy government jobs. Ever try to find a teenager, white or otherwise, to do yardwork? Whites also refuse to do field work and would prefer to collect unemployment or welfare. However, Kristol’s comments does not rule out other races as this is not only a white trait.

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