Bill Maher Rewrites the 2nd Amendment- And It’s as Stupid as You’d Expect – IOTW Report

Bill Maher Rewrites the 2nd Amendment- And It’s as Stupid as You’d Expect

I love Downtrend.

I like the writers. They are very clever in a straightforward no-nonsense way.


Maher is correct in asserting that the 2A is an amendment, not a commandment, but so what? Not everyone believes in the 10 Commandments and no one is legally bound by them. Commandments are restrictions on personal behavior while amendments are protections of personals rights. Besides, you can’t break an amendment and then say 3 “Hail Jeffersons” and be atoned for your sin.

And Maher’s wish for a disarmed society includes banning “military-style weaponry” What the hell is that? All firearms were originally designed for military use, but the the weapons the military uses now differ greatly from the ones average citizens use. Is Maher now the fashion police? He must be, because he wants to take away a Constitutional right based on “styling” he finds out of season.

When you go to a “family-style” restaurant and order some “home-style” food, does that mean you are eating food your mom cooked with your family in your own home? Just because you throw the word “style” on the end of something doesn’t make it like the original. Maher’s show is a “comedy-style” program but it’s definitely not actual comedy.


24 Comments on Bill Maher Rewrites the 2nd Amendment- And It’s as Stupid as You’d Expect

  1. In the comment section, a guy called Infidel83 had the perfect response to the dipstick Maher:

    “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, and put a bullet through the skull of any democrat who tries to confiscate those arms, shall not be infringed.”

    Sleep well, Infidel83

  2. This toucan is only repeating all the popular themes that are in vogue with the left. They really never argue their points with substance they merely attack those with a more reasoned view.
    If you’ve ever watched this clown’s show, his approach is to invite on a conservative and then stack the panel with his like minded loons to savage him or her. But what he won’t do is respond to points made by his victim in any serious way. Why?, because he is a coward and a cheap little bully.

  3. And to think this whiny punchable shitstain gave a million dollars of his own money to that other whiny punchable shitstain’s campaign. He may be what they call a comedian but it’s a tragic comedy.

  4. I’m glad someone, somewhere, is engaged in the “Culture War” and watches Maher so I don’t have to.
    He’s a smarmy, self-righteous, ignorant, totalitarian tool.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Rule 4. Make them live up to it.

    Would like to see someone show him video or pics of his security entourage, then ask him why he feels the need to hire them. When he says he’s a celebrity, therefore a potential target of lunatics or criminals, ask why he doesn’t fire security and just rely on the police if trouble happens. Just keep following out the chain of logic to its inevitable end.

  6. Roe v Wade isn’t a commandment either, Bill; nor is it an amendment; nor is it any Constitutional “right” that any person in their right mind could infer from studying the culture of the framers of the Constitution or of the English common law of the time

    Oh but that doesn’t stop you from using the “rights” granted by Roe v Wade from shouting down anyone who brings up the obvious fact that the fetus is human life, does it?

  7. The language concerning militia seems to cause some confusion among deluded revisionists.
    It is secondary to the main clause: “The people’s right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
    This should be clear to anyone with the slightest grasp of the English language.
    The same “people’s” rights are enumerated in the other Amendments.

  8. So….by maher’s non-logic…

    If there were no televisions, telephones, cellular phones, tape recorders, cd’s and/or internet at the time of the 1st Amendment to the Constitution….

    then the 1st Amendment guaranteeing “Freedom of Speech” only covers the “written” or “spoken” word…???

  9. I started to avoid listening to Maher long ago. His complete lack of intelligent thinking skills has not changed, so I won’t waste my time on his latest maundering.

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