Bill Maher Says Elizabeth Warren Has Latched Onto Loser Issue – IOTW Report

Bill Maher Says Elizabeth Warren Has Latched Onto Loser Issue

Dem Strategist Paul Begala says what most have been saying for years – the Democrat party has gone from being for the little guy into squeezing every last nickel out of them.

“They went from the factory floor to the factory lounge.”

12 Comments on Bill Maher Says Elizabeth Warren Has Latched Onto Loser Issue

  1. They told us they’re just there for the little guy –
    “Wherever there’s wrong-doing, We’ll be there!”
    “Wherever there’s injustice, We’ll be there!”
    “Wherever there’s corruption, We’ll be there!”
    And wherever there’s a bunch of big guys beating up
    on the little guy, they’ll be there too…
    helping to hold the little guy down!
    And now we know the real reason why:
    Because it’s anything to Weaken America!
    Anything to Screw-Over Americans!

  2. Saw an ad where governor candidate in Pa is against “mail in voting” and the dems are saying we can’t have a candidate against that.

    Actually we do and we must be against mail in voting and drop boxes.

  3. HVAC $72/hr. Total package incl. benefits (last time I looked)
    5 year apprenticeship: Local 787 Refrigeration workers of Ontario.
    1st = 50% full wage aprox.
    2nd = 60%
    3rd = 70%
    4th = 80%
    5th = 90%

    You Get paid while working, while going to night school for the theory part.
    About $500 of tools to start.
    Boots & work clothes are usually Provided.

    Still VERY FEW joining. Coof caused a lot of retirements, Trade schools have been shuddered due to Coof, & Many modern men are Snowflakes.

    …or you could take gender related studies at University with the Multi Hair Colored Fucktards & go into debt to become a Barista.

    I made my choice in 1989.

  4. I’d give Maher some wiggle room – enough to clear out of the left-wing jail. He’s got one foot outside, and maybe he’ll drag the rest of it out later.

    He deserves some credit for being a bit smarter than the other left-wing a-holes.

  5. What’s the world coming to when a young person can borrow $300,000 to spend six years getting dual BA in Queer Studies and Interpretive Fecal Sculpting and not be able to find a job that earns enough to pay that loan back?

    It’s not fair!!!

  6. @TheMule May 9, 2022 at 9:25 pm

    > It’s not fair!!!

    To be fair… The exact same vending machines, are selling nuclear physics titles. And bridge injun earring titles. For the exact same price.

    Why should it matter? What knob they yank?

  7. Isn’t it like since ’08 Bill that you could have come out then and talk about how disgusting your left wing buddies were. Nope, you were right there with a tingle going up your leg over Obama. STFURTFN.

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