Bill Whittle: How The Left Killed Star Wars (and how to win the cultural revolution) – IOTW Report

Bill Whittle: How The Left Killed Star Wars (and how to win the cultural revolution)

Progressives got a hold of Star Wars and flew the franchise into a black hole of dull, stupid political correctness. Bill Whittle see this as a golden opportunity. Watch



11 Comments on Bill Whittle: How The Left Killed Star Wars (and how to win the cultural revolution)

  1. just as many of us finally realize we can no longer do the things we used to
    there comes a time that all series must end. Through many distortions and twists this series reached its zenith about three or four movies ago.
    Princess Leia is dead, Han Solo is dead, A recently discovered hermitlike Luke has developed the liberal disease of pelosititus, only the Wookie remains true to the original theme.
    Let Star Wars saga die gracefully, without pain. The so called improvements killed it beyond any chance of salvation.

  2. Yet another great and spot on commentary and analysis by Bill.

    I know the Force became a religion to some, but I did not realize that the Force became such a Swamp!

    That is a shame…

    One of the best scenes, Mos Eisley Cantina.

    The vid shows the difference(s).

    @ Will -I only saw the first three and even saw the muppets taking over. And have the first three on VHS.


  3. It’s another bizarro world where the lefties embrace the Rebellion “the Resistance” against the evil Empire. The Empire is a big government with many tentacles involving itself in all aspects of life. Yet, the people who call themselves part of the “Resistance” want free stuff and the government to provide for them. They don’t get the contradictions. My lefty BFF has Rey as her avatar on Twitter. Big government is good if “they” are in charge of it.

    The writing in Star Wars sucks. It’s so generic and plain. George Lucas wasn’t Shakespeare but the tone of the original 3 movies made sense. The newest movies take themselves too seriously and try to overcome bad storytelling with cool special effects. They killed Han and made his son some lunatic crybaby man child. Why should I care what happens to the franchise after that?

  4. We Star Wars are also unwatchable. Action adventure CGI with no character development, putting young Kirk on the Entertprise right out of Stat Fleet Academy, having a homosexual play Spock, and having the character of Sulu be homosexual because the original actor (George Takai) is one.

  5. @ Molon_Labe – All VHS is in the techo-less bunker so I cannot confirm right now. Will not be in the bunker until late August will let you know then…

    When I saw that scene in the movies when I was 12, I saw a man not to be messed with.

    Loved it!

    Just the opening scene of the long underside of the Imperial Cruiser got hooked, but again, not overly hooked that I could not understand fantasy from fiction from non fiction.

    Greedo’s mistake was not checking Hans for a weapon.



  6. Its “Use By” date was late 1981.

    old, old, old theme. Now rotten and smelly. What fiction isn’t? It’s all a sad interpretation of reality, or what some wish as reality.

    Real events have more tragedy, horror, drama, and even humor than anything dreamt up by a novelist.

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