Bill Whittle On The Progressive Destruction Of Star Wars – IOTW Report

Bill Whittle On The Progressive Destruction Of Star Wars

I had some difficulty deciding what has Bill Whittle more angered about the latest attempt to resuscitate the Star Wars franchise; the bad writing, the abuse of canon, the progressive narrative, or the unbelievable heroine who does super human feats flawlessly.

Anyway, if you’ve been feeling bad for all those fans still willing to shovel their money over to Hollywood to partake in their made up religion, you’ll enjoy Mr. Whittle’s rant against the keepers of the Jedi faith. Here

17 Comments on Bill Whittle On The Progressive Destruction Of Star Wars

  1. I watched it yesterday. Had to close the loop, you know. I had just seen episode 7 last year on TV, and rented episode 8 a few days ago.
    It was exciting. It tied things up well. To suggest that it is a vast departure from the original is to say that the original was great – and while the first trilogy may have been highly entertaining it wasn’t particularly great from a film sense.
    My biggest issue with the entire series is that it takes a very profound, dark, tragic story – that of Anakin Skywalker primarily but also of his descendants – and tries to make movies both very deep and yet entertaining and kid-friendly. It was doomed from the beginning in that sense – no gravitas like Godfather, Shawshank, Apocalypse Now, nor pure fun and entertainment like Blazing Saddles, Mad Mad Mad Mad World. It tried to be all things, and that just isn’t really possible. So to delve into whether the current trilogy is more millennial isn’t that important to me.

    I have to add that one thing which stuck with me was that Rey (the new Jedi heroine) was casually levitating as part of her practice early in the movie, but later she struggles to scale a wall hundreds of feet high. Couldn’t she just float up there? Also, the level of power exhibited in this movie compared to the original trilogy just doesn’t match up. And Rey has barely had any training.

  2. It all means nothing to me, and hasn’t since about 1983.

    Mark Hamill is a liberal punk, the princess is dead, and the other guy that flies and crashes his airplanes is a public hazard.

    Phooey on the whole thing.

  3. Bullshit.
    Bill Whittle is way way off the mark with this one.

    Progressives want to RESTART star wars, make it palatable for their fellow progs. So they kill off and wipe out the entire original cast and core family (the skywalkers).

    Also the writers are incompetent. The directors are egotistical and are terrible at planning.

  4. I gave up on Star Wars after the original 3 movies back in the 1980’s. Maybe it’s because as I’ve become older I’ve become more wise and have put away all the childish things of my youth. They were enjoyable then but now it’s all become politically correct propaganda and I can’t stand that. The same thing goes for Marvel which Disney has also destroyed, I could care less and won’t watch them anymore and Superman and Batman have become pathetic bastardized caricatures of what they originally were. And Green Lantern which was one of my favorite superheroes back in the 60’s and early 70’s was destroyed for me when they made him gay. I just don’t give a damn anymore with very few exceptions about anything that comes out of hollyweird. And what they did to both John Carter of Mars and The Lone Ranger was beyond the pale as far as I am concerned. Maybe that’s why I still like all the older stuff I grew up with before the mid to late 60’s and earlier.


    face it … Episode IX (or as the Star Nerds call it: RoS) is nothing more than Rey Palpatine Skywalker as the teeth-grinding Greta-Gnome cherry on top of the whipped cream on the icing of the steaming shit-cake that Disney has done to a franchise that George Lucas totally flushed down the toilet w/ the second-half of Episode VI (ESP) …. the only thing decent since then was Rogue One. that, at least, had some originality of plot … not just copying original Episodes

    Star Wars, under the Mouse, has become just another Marvel Comic movie. hollow characters going from one CGI scene to the next. I understand millennials like this short-attention-span crap, but it ain’t cinema … just another way for the Mouse to get your $$$.

    on the bright side, at least Princess Leia is finally taking her space-dirt nap

    … but then again, if there’s more (& the Mouse will surely make more … too much $$$ to shake out of the shill’s pockets … Baby Yoda will insist) then they’ll resurrect her … more times than you can say “Jason” or “Dracula” … count on it.

  6. Well, I grew up on Star Wars. Loved the first three, disliked the next three and am indifferent to the last three. I’m amused by the energy and all in attitude of the geek culture now (the comic cons, fan fiction, cosplay) and how it contrasts my imagination and inspiration that StarWars gave me without the ability to completely immerse myself in the world like “kids today” can. I hate that Leia and Han’s kid grew up to be an idiot and they killed Han in such a needless and stupid way-I agree with Bill Whittle on that. The special effects and costumes are what I pay attention to now. The storylines and dialog is much ado about nothing. Is it “Hon” or “ Han” or “Lee-ah” or “Lay-a”?Is it the Rebellion or the Resistance? Change isn’t always for the better.

  7. Let’s face it, Lucas pumped everything he could get out of the franchise, then dumped on DisneyCo, who hasn’t had a speck of imagination since they started making all their animated movies into live-action.
    Additionally, space opera has been killed by the proliferation of it everywhere, ironically popularized by SW.

  8. No matter how good a movie is, if you pay to see it, you are paying the left’s salaries, and you are funding the left’s other propaganda movies and tv shows they never intend to make money on: they are propaganda time bombs, there consumption by young people as they grow up.


    We’ve got to boycott hollywood COMPLETELY.

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