Bill Whittle – Think of Trump as a Turnip – IOTW Report

Bill Whittle – Think of Trump as a Turnip

Bill Whittle tries to reason with the deranged NeverTrump who, for some weird reason, thinks it’s advantageous to have Hillary in the Oval Office.

11 Comments on Bill Whittle – Think of Trump as a Turnip

  1. Gumby would be my Pic. I like Gumby,anyway we get the point.
    We already voted.Go Trump.
    Don’t forget your prayers !
    P.S.maybe Bill’s just running outa gas.

    annie Go Trump

  2. The FBI has to ashamed of itself. It has been led around by its nose and has done no real investigation. Wiki, Weiner and others have given the FBI much to investigate but they just hear these revelations “in the news” much like Barack Obama. Amazing. It’s the FBi’s (small i since investigations are no longer part of their mission) judgement, not investigation expertise, which seems to now determine if you should have a grand jury. Thanks Obama, you have taken the word “Justice” out of the Justice Department. We maybe can use these FBi guys to pick up my garbage now, especially since my garbage service really stinks.

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