Billion Dollar Lawsuit Filed Against The Social Media Giants – IOTW Report

Billion Dollar Lawsuit Filed Against The Social Media Giants

Freedom Watch has filed a class action suit against Apple, Facebook, Google, and Twitter accusing the tech firms of colluding to restrain trade in a violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.

The plaintiff holds that the defendants have pursued a coordinated effort to stifle the speech of those who support the president and of attempting to ” nullify the vote of the millions of citizens.” Parties damaged by the actions taken by these social media behemoths are “so numerous that joinder of all its members is impossible.”

Freedom Watch declared that they were forced to file suit since the Attorney General of the United States has remained “inert” on this subject. More

16 Comments on Billion Dollar Lawsuit Filed Against The Social Media Giants

  1. “Freedom Watch declared that they were forced to file suit since the Attorney General of the United States has remained “inert” on this subject.”

    If anyone is still in the dark, let ol’ JD help ya’ out there: As in the case of John Roberts, the Chicago Democrat machine has the goods on Jeff Sessions. Both were confirmed with only token resistance, so it should have been obvious that these individuals have something(s) in their past that they cannot have come out or they would be ruined.

    Seriously compromised must be an understatement.

    There really is no other viable explanation.

  2. “There really is no other viable explanation.” – JDH

    Well, unless you consider it the result of a mix of your nihilistic bunkerism and the impatience of a 3-year-old.

    This has been going on/deteriorationg for 30 years and you want to see results in less than 2 years…gotcha.

  3. This is Session’s last job in any case so I wish he’d either suck it up and do his duty or never have accepted it.

    His inactivity is doing great harm to the entire momentum of the agenda and that should be obvious to even a dimwit.

  4. Include the SPLC too since they are their “Factchecking” arm.

    They already lost one multi-million lawsuit for smearing people this year. Google and the rest ignoring that fact is willful negligence.

  5. What does Jeff have on Don?
    There must be something! why else was Jeff not fired 4/17 after saying 3/17 “Moonbeam” was going to jail? Still waiting for the arrest warrant – 19 months later!


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