Billionaire-Backed “Axios” Claims $5 Million Paycheck Protection Loan – IOTW Report

Billionaire-Backed “Axios” Claims $5 Million Paycheck Protection Loan

Washington Free Beacon

Axios, a digital media property with billionaire backers and a sponsorship roster that reads like a who’s who of the Fortune 100, has provided us the opportunity to find out. In a brief post on Wednesday, Axios CEO Jim VandeHei informed readers that the site had received just shy of $5 million in the first round of PPP funding.

The story got a brief mention from the Hill and editorial treatment from Lloyd Grove in the Daily Beast. But as near as we can tell, other mainstream outlets have been conspicuously mum.

That silence smells of the media’s characteristic unwillingness to police itself in the Trump era.

The site’s bailout—according to its own reporting—was larger than that received by nearly 99 percent of other companies. More

5 Comments on Billionaire-Backed “Axios” Claims $5 Million Paycheck Protection Loan

  1. Weren’t they on the Gas Lighting government program with that Obama ran during the obama administration to sway public opinion that ran out of funding during the early days of the trump presidency???

    Remember all those mass layoffs of many different faux media emntities particulary the online sites.

  2. It is a good thing this government “help” program is run with no adult supervision, otherwise it might accidentally do some good for who it is supposed to help. Axios is staffed by gas holes.

  3. Axios is the scum behind msNBC productions
    . . . and vice versa

    Mikahh and Jodie milk EVERY Penny from every well

    Mikahhs Mom and Barnicle Bills wife funds the donut fund and the payroll but greener pastures presented themselves.
    Guess whom they work for now.

    Juicier and Juicier


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