Billionaires Cashing Out – IOTW Report

Billionaires Cashing Out

UK Daily Mail

American billionaires are selling stocks by the boatload – sparking fears of an impending financial disaster.

Jeff Bezos – the third-richest man behind Louis Vuitton’s Bernard Arnaut and Elon Musk – unloaded $8.5billion in Amazon shares this month alone.

Mark Zuckerberg – the fourth-richest – sold about 1.4 million Meta shares worth roughly $638 million. More

17 Comments on Billionaires Cashing Out

  1. While many NORMAL folks are pulling from their 401’s to put groceries on their tables.
    I reached 65 recently but I’m not comfortable going into retirement so I’m going to continue working for now.
    Had no such thoughts 4 years ago.
    Thanks for making things uncomfortable Joe.

  2. DT,
    Same here. I started collecting SocSec, but I’m too young to quit working.
    Sooo, as the song goes, “Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work I go, with a kick in the rear & a bottle of beer, hi ho, hi ho hi ho…..”

  3. Different Tim

    Don’t feel like the lone ranger pal. Although mines self inflicted. I enjoy what I do to much to walk away. I’m not ready.
    Peeps I know that are heavy in the market started pulling out about 6 months ago. They seem to be all moving to interest bearing accounts.

  4. The market is being propped up by retail investors who are being lied to with fake numbers and false hope. It started in October. This was intentional, to stop the bleeding, with the fed leaking that it might cut interest rates as early as March. Well, here we are in March. Market propped up for one reason: So institutions and insiders can get out.

  5. Stocks and commodity prices should be high. They are priced in $$ and the dollar’s value is beelining for shitsville.
    Most of the world, BRICS-led, could give a rip.

    Thanks Brandon!

  6. The M2 money supply is decreasing at a pretty rapid rate. You can see that on the right side of the Debt Clock page “Money Supply Now”.

    This is feedback by a Christian brother that I trust:

    “The current narrative is a lie. The Fed’s balance sheet is a ratio of assets to liabilities. Its assets are primarily treasuries and mortgage-backed securities. Its liabilities are Federal Reserve Notes. If M2 is decreasing, then the Asset to Liability ratio is changing in a way that can only be explained by an expanding balance sheet. When the music stops, the average John Q. Citizen/depositor won’t have a chair to sit in or a place at the table. Gold is also breaking out, having just achieved a new all time high. The controlled demolition fuse has been lit, but they will lie until the end, duping as many people as possible to stay invested in dollars while the equity is stolen from them. Few will perceive what is really happening, and most will be hypnotized by a false narrative promoted by the media.”

  7. If the execrable Daily Mail is breathlessly journolisming this “story”, it’s probably just business as usual for billionaires, and nothing more than clickbait by neckbeards for the rest of us.

  8. With our government spending $1 Trillion that we don’t have every 100 days, if you think we’re not heading for something beyond epic proportions, frankly, you need to get your head out of your ass.

    The only refuge will be to live off the land in a place where they won’t find you in the early sweeps. Someplace where you don’t need fire for heat or to eat would be best.


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